Saturday Morning Posters, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author



The Influence of Observer and Actor Age on the Complexity of Labels Offered in an Emotion Perception Task

Mienaltowski, Andrew

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Age-Related Differences in the Perception of Negative Emotions Including Pain

Medina Disponett, Alana

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Facial emotion processing in naturalistic contexts

Fan, Xiaoxu

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Identifying Distrust from Facial Expressions by Facial Action Coding System

Lau, Gabriel RongYang

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


The Origin of Affect-specific Neural Representations of Emotional Scenes in Early Visual Cortex

Chen, Yujun

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


The contextual understanding effect: A specialized visual skill based on the implicit use of visual context information

Ortega, Jefferson

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Visual Emotion Recognition of Faces and Scenes in Alexithymia

Nudnou, Ilya

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


The Effect of Gender on Pain Expressions and Their Recognition: Exploring Facial Movement Patterns in Posed and Spontaneous Dynamics

Richer, Arianne

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Mapping the Idiosyncratic Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion

Paparelli, Anita

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Linking Conceptual Knowledge of Emotions to Visual Representations of Facial Expressions Using a Reverse Correlation Approach with Genetic Algorithms

St-Pierre, Émilie

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Do emotional ensembles shape behavior? Investigating the role of average emotional expression in approach-avoidance decisions 

Shimshek, Eliz

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Development and validation of a new dynamic facial expression database

Lipetzky, Sophia

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Angry Crowd Bias in the News

McDonagh, Delaney

Face and Body Perception: Emotion


Touching Sounds: Examining the Impact of Non-Visual Exposure on the Development of Audio-Tactile Sound-Shape Correspondences

Cao, Shibo

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


Stationarity perception depends on vestibular-oculomotor adaptation

MacNeilage, Paul

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


Investigating visual weighting during postural control using virtual reality

Bei, Yingying

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


Functional neural dynamics of visuomotor learning: functional connections between sensory, motor, multisensory, and frontal regions reveal network for visuo-proprioceptive recalibration

Folco, Kess

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


Behavioural significance of foveal cortical processing for haptic size estimation

Sartin, Samantha

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


Motion perception by a moving observer

Yu, David

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


What or Where/How Does the Body-Tilt Illusion Occur?

Baia, Sophia R.

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


The influence of additional haptic information in speeded reaching movements

McIntosh, Logan

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration


Neuroplasticity in a human rod-only visual system receiving cone rescuing gene therapy

Maimon-Mor, Roni

Plasticity and Learning: Clinical

Banyan Breezeway

Cortical and Subcortical Structural Changes in Patients with Artificial Vision Restoration

Saltzmann, Stephanie

Plasticity and Learning: Clinical

Banyan Breezeway

Metacognition for orientation discrimination: effects of occipital lobe damage and training

Cavanaugh, Matt

Plasticity and Learning: Clinical

Banyan Breezeway

Subacute training recovers motion discrimination after early visual cortex damage despite retrograde degeneration of the retinal ganglion cell complex

Fahrenthold, Berkeley

Plasticity and Learning: Clinical

Banyan Breezeway

The effects of early and late onset blindness on the structure of Heschl’s Gyrus

Poole, Amy

Plasticity and Learning: Clinical

Banyan Breezeway

A Computational Virtual Patient Pipeline for Predicting Perceptual Capabilities with Visual Prostheses

Skaza, Jonathan

Plasticity and Learning: Clinical

Banyan Breezeway

The effects of learning on the Representational Geometry of Skilled Chess Players

Costantino, Andrea Ivan

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

Short-term Monocular Deprivation changes Thalamo-Cortical Connectivity measured with ultra-high field fMRI during visual stimulation

Acquafredda, Miriam

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

How does categorization reshape the representational geometry of visual cortex?

Ritchie, J. Brendan

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

Different intensities of transcranial magnetic stimulation result in dissociable pupil dilations

Phylactou, Phivos

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

Re-tuning of orientation-selective responses in neural mass activity during aversive conditioning: A multi-laboratory study

Ahumada, Laura

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

Effect of Session Day and Attentional State on Experience-Dependent Visual Cortical Neuroplasticity

Limon, Patricia

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

Neural patterns during cognitive map formation and navigation in sighted and blind individuals

Bleau, Maxime

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

Decoding Retinal Responses: A Transformer-Based Model for Visual Stimulus Prediction

Escobar, Maria Jose

Plasticity and Learning: Models

Banyan Breezeway

Learning to decompose object-based encoding

Fu, Yingtao

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

Stuck together: the difficulty of directed forgetting in integrated working memory representations

Yu, Jiahan

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

The relationship between perceptual grouping and visual working memory's pointer system

Lando, Shachar

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

Early visual areas store information about feature bindings in working memory

Zier, Anna

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

Comparison of Short- and Long-term Recall and Recognition Memory for Haptically and Visually Explored Objects

Waymer, Savannah

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

Does what we remember influence what we see? Effects of visual working memory on perceptual discrimination

Niu, Zexuan

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

Representational Momentum for Spatial Scaling

Lopiccolo, Dominique

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

Foraging for fruit: learning of color shape concepts in macaque monkeys

Loggia, Spencer

Visual Memory: Objects and features

Banyan Breezeway

Bayesian Comparisons Between Representations

Schütt, Heiko H.



Principal distortions for discrimination of image representations

Feather, Jenelle



Using transfer learning to identify a neural network’s algorithm

Morrison, John



Spatial-scale invariant properties of visual cortex in mammals

Gauthaman, Raj Magesh



Training convolutional neural networks with blurry images enables the learning of more human-aligned visual representations

Jeon, Ikhwan



Supervised Quadratic Feature Analysis: Task-specific features that maximize quadratic decoding

Herrera-Esposito, Daniel



Suboptimal visual cues integration in location estimation paradigm

Phusuwan, Waragon



Neural networks rely on top-down representations under conditions of uncertainty

Kular, Holly



Visual Cognition in Vision-Language Models

Ehinger, Krista A.



A signal detection model for the analysis of continuous response gradients and an application to other-race effects

Soto, Fabian A.



Visualizing the Unseen: Perceptographer, an AI Engine for Visualizing Brain-Stimulation-Induced Perceptual Events

Shahbazi, Elia



Privileged representational axes in biological and artificial neural networks

Khosla, Meenakshi



Higher macular pigment density is related to improved contrast sensitivity when measured under blue haze conditions

Wysocky, Cameron

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Improving Mobility for People with Low Vision Using Augmented Reality

Szpiro, Sarit F.A

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Excessive noise explains the dorsal stream deficit in Williams syndrome: a computational approach

Shapiro, Zvi

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Seeing in dim light: aging further exacerbates declines in reading vision and functional field of view

Penaloza, Boris

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Predicting amblyopia and crowding from appearance captures

Desai, Kaneiya

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Could spatial scrambling limit letter acuity in amblyopia? Insights from examining letter mistake patterns

Zhu, Raffles Xingqi

Spatial Vision: Clinical


How to simulate visual impairment for research in visual perception?

Lanca, Carla

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Using ssVEPs to Characterise Wide-Ranging Retinopathy: implications for Clinical Trials

Staeubli, Kim Eliane

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Crowding affects visual acuity more for vertically than horizontally aligned letter charts

Siderov, John

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Classification of Glaucoma using ON-and OFF-pathway biasing SSVEPs

Scott, Martin T W

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Incomplete letter recognition is limited by cortical and not optical factors: Simulating the deficits of visual-led dementia in healthy adults

Huang, Zien

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Mapping Visual Field Loss in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy using fMRI

Chow-Wing-Bom, Hugo

Spatial Vision: Clinical


Enhancing Face Perception Research with the Chinese Face and Body Dataset (CFBD)

Hu, Ying

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


Exploring Facial Distinctiveness Through Deep Learning: Insights Across Image Formats and Gender

Pilzak, Artem

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


Distinct mechanisms of configural face processing based on the preferred first fixation location on the face

Chakravarthula, Puneeth N.

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


Differences between the perception and the recognition of cross-race faces

Töredi, Dilhan

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


Individual differences in eye movements to faces are stable but malleable

Hayward, William G.

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


Social Correlates of Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Recognition for Chinese Faces in an East Asian Culture

Walker, Dana L.

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


No evidence of a Dunning-Kruger effect for face recognition ability: converging evidence from global and local metacognition

Kusel, Kayla

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


iTrak: Using a novel approach to show that preferred fixation location remains stable in adults

McCourt, Siobhan

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences


Face recognition and the blur paradox: Improved accuracy with distance

Long, Caitlin

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Have we met before? Face learning over multiple interactions

Nevard, Alice

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Serial Dependence operates on categorical rather than stimulus representations: evidence from behavior and EEG

Costa, Pierre

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Constructing the Cross-race Triad Identity Matching (CRTIM) test

Jeckeln, Geraldine

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Holistic Processing in Occipital and Fusiform Cortical Complexes Related to Radiological Expertise

Guan, Haowen

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


How we learn new faces: gaze patterns and individual differences in real-life encounters

Casteau, Soazig

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Eliminating individual face shape variability idiosyncratic to specific races reduces the other-race recognition disadvantage, but not the other-race categorization advantage

Martin, Emily

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Modulation of face processing by motor development: Infants can discriminate faces in a wider range of picture-plane rotations before rolling over

Kobayashi, Megumi

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Beauty is in the Eye(brow) of the beholder: Perceived attractiveness related to eyebrows

Peissig, Jessie

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Training Horizontal Bias to Improve Face Identification in Older Adults

Sekuler, Allison B.

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


An older bias or an elder bias?: Do memory biases for old faces reflect assimilation toward an old-age extreme or toward an old-age category center?

Dunin, Didi

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise


Decoding faces under discontinuous flash suppression

Hung, Shao-Min (Sean)

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Functional organization of visual responses in the anterior temporal lobe

Deen, Ben

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Allocation of attentional resources to faces is domain-sensitive and independent of familiarity

Lidborg, Linda H.

Face and Body Perception: Neural


When the eyes are no longer diagnostic: A clear demonstration of the N170 as automatic and goal-oriented information processing

Demeule, Chanelle

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Modeling Action-Perception Coupling with Reciprocally Connected Neural Fields

Jiang, Xinrui

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Exploring Semantic and Visual Information in Face Perception and Self-Perception with Deep Neural Networks

De, Arijit

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Face-selective brain regions share the visual-field anisotropies of early visual cortex

Greenwood, John A.

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Contributions of primate superior colliculus to face processing in temporal cortex

Yu, Gongchen

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Hyperfamiliarity for faces enhances functional connectivity between visual and non-visual regions of the brain during natural viewing

Noad, Kira N.

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Neural mechanisms of face encoding and recognition in developmental prosopagnosia and healthy controls

Campbell, Alison

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Motor movements and reaction time as windows into cortical selectivity

Maniquet, Timothée

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Neurodynamics of Active Face Perception During Free Viewing with Eye Tracking and Intracranial EEG

Becker, Casey

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Face-trained deep neural network shows human-like shape bias in face similarity judgments

Strehle, Virginia E.

Face and Body Perception: Neural


Direct Competition Between Hippocampal Pattern Separation and Short-Term Memory Precision

Kim, Inik

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Transient glutamatergic boosts in early visual areas accompany successful target recognition with increasing working memory load

Wang, Zhiyan

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Neural synchronization supports spatial attention and selection from working memory

Iamshchinina, Polina

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Spatial working memory impairment predicts the severity of spatial neglect symptoms over time.

Otte, Branden T.

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Logarithmical changes in neural latency with increasing list lengths in visual memory

Zhao, Chong

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

The multiple roles of visual cortex in single-shot episodic memory: encoding, recognition, and recall

Woodry, Robert

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

No spontaneous representations of spatial location in feature-selective retinotopic cortex during working memory for color and motion

Thayer, Daniel

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Visual-Memory-Guided Drawing: Investigating Cerebellar Cognitive Architecture and Cerebro-Cerebellar Interactions

Likova, Lora

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Anterior shift for visual recall vs. perception is specific to scenes

Prasad, Deepasri

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

How does chunking improve visual working memory?

Lin, Yin-ting

Visual Memory: Neural mechanisms

Banyan Breezeway

Models of long-term memory can already produce several of the key signatures of visual working memory storage

Woodman, Geoffrey

Visual Memory: Models


A population vector model of visual working memory for naturalistic scenes

Luck, Steven J.

Visual Memory: Models


Computational Model Selection fails to recover the capacity-limit in short-term memory recall

Golding, Jessica

Visual Memory: Models


Memory strength as accumulated activation over time: Unifying temporal order and repetition effects

Robinson, Maria

Visual Memory: Models


Variable Stimuli and Tests Generate Variable Confidence: Challenging the 'Recollection' Signal in Working Memory

Brady, Timothy

Visual Memory: Models


ERP markers of hybrid visual and memory search for familiar and novel objects

Utochkin, Igor

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Is affective information bound to visual objects or actions? The integration of positive and negative features in stimulus-response binding

He, Sihan

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Effects of salience on visual working memory disappeared! Context during retrieval matters.

Constant, Martin

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Complex effects of divided attention on saccadic exploration during memory encoding

Kindell, Chloe

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Retro-cue reduces the categorical distortion of visual short-term memory

Ma, Tianye

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Representation of the color-shape contingency of object concepts in macaque visual cortex using fMRI

Feibes, Helen E.

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Contributions of Familiarity and Recall to Recognizing Non-Semantic Visual Stimuli

Pesonen, Lotta

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Rethinking Forgetting: The Influence of Overt Attention on Memory Trace Decay

Mauti, Marika

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

The influence of motor reinstatement and drawing quality on remembering

Ignatius, Tasha

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Memory specificity through visual production: Multimodal recognition and source memory misattributions

Rahman, Hala

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Investigating the evolution of the social encoding benefit across healthy human development

Ben Messaoud, Salma

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Is repulsive serial bias in visual perception driven by low-level adaptation?

Janetsky, Scott

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

The Not-So-Dark Side of Expertise: Source Memory Effects in Expert Memory

Johnson, Benjamin

Visual Memory: Encoding and retrieval

Banyan Breezeway

Connecting the Lines: Contour integration is unaffected by visual input source and quality

Yang, Angeline

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Psychophysical Reverse Correlation Experiments are Accelerated via Novel Tailored Noise Generation

Duwell, Ethan

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Temporal dynamics of spatial segmentation based on temporal correlation measured by continuous tracking

Chen, Yen-Ju

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Luminance edges interact differently with orientation- vs. contrast-defined edges

DiMattina, Christopher

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Color/motion feature binding errors with 2D and 3D motion

Lee, Sunny M

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Are you a visual ‘shader’ or a ‘bolder’?: Different visual routines create everyday hallucinations in ‘scaffolded attention’

Ying, Andrea

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Visualized averages produce polarized sentiment

Wilmer, Jeremy B

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Figure space is distorted relative to ground space

Vickery, Timothy

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Visual crowding differentially affects bar and edge discrimination

Neto, Emma

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Visual Imagination Networks in Humans and Large Language Models

Ranjan, Saurabh

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Latent Hierarchical Perceptual Structure Bias Coalition Formation in the Strategy of Conflicts

Li, Zhen

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway

Path Integration Reflects an Intermediate Representation in Contour Perception

Phillips, Austin S.

Perceptual Organization: Segmentation, grouping

Banyan Breezeway