Functional neural dynamics of visuomotor learning: functional connections between sensory, motor, multisensory, and frontal regions reveal network for visuo-proprioceptive recalibration

Poster Presentation: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion
Session: Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

Kess Folco1, Hu Cheng1, Sharlene Newman2, Art Pilacinski3, Manasi Wali1, Reshma Babu1, Hannah Block1; 1Indiana University Bloomington, 2University of Alabama, 3Ruhr University Bochum

Visual and proprioceptive (position sense) cues are used to estimate hand position. These cues can be spatially mismatched experimentally, e.g. by shifting a cursor away from the unseen hand, or naturally, e.g. viewing the hand underwater. This mismatch causes visuo-proprioceptive recalibration, a process that often appears in motor learning paradigms (i.e. visuomotor adaptation), but is rarely itself the focus of empirical study. This is problematic under the distributed processing perspective, where both sensory (e.g. primary somatosensory cortex S1, lateral occipital cortex LOC) and motor regions (e.g. primary motor cortex M1, ventral premotor cortex PMv, cerebellum) contribute to both sensory and motor behaviors, suggesting that to understand one it may be necessary to consider the other. Proprioception has been related to neural excitability in both M1 and S1; while multisensory (visual and proprioceptive) behaviors have been related to PMv and CB, as well as the multisensory anterior superior parietal lobule, aSPL. This evidence suggests the importance of investigating sensory processes in the context of motor behavior (and vice versa). Participants completed two blocks of visuo-proprioceptive pointing trials with resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans after each. Visual and proprioceptive cues were correctly aligned in the veridical block but gradually offset in the misaligned block to induce recalibration. Comparison between the resting state scans revealed the functional connections related to visuo-proprioceptive recalibration. Behavioral measures of visuo-proprioceptive recalibration were used in a seed-based analysis to identify a functional network with increased positive synchrony between CB, S1, striatum, LOC, and multisensory regions; and increased negative synchrony of M1, PMv, frontal areas, and multisensory regions related to recalibration. The cerebellum is also identified as a key region involved in visuo-proprioceptive recalibration, evidenced by its high global efficiency in our network, implicating the involvement of a traditionally motor region with visual recalibration.