Saturday Morning Posters, Pavilion

Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion

Poster Title 

First Author


A population vector model of visual working memory for naturalistic scenes

Luck, Steven J.

Visual Memory: Models

A signal detection model for the analysis of continuous response gradients and an application to other-race effects

Soto, Fabian A.


Age-Related Differences in the Perception of Negative Emotions Including Pain

Medina Disponett, Alana

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Allocation of attentional resources to faces is domain-sensitive and independent of familiarity

Lidborg, Linda H.

Face and Body Perception: Neural

An older bias or an elder bias?: Do memory biases for old faces reflect assimilation toward an old-age extreme or toward an old-age category center?

Dunin, Didi

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Angry Crowd Bias in the News

McDonagh, Delaney

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Bayesian Comparisons Between Representations

Schütt, Heiko H.


Beauty is in the Eye(brow) of the beholder: Perceived attractiveness related to eyebrows

Peissig, Jessie

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Behavioural significance of foveal cortical processing for haptic size estimation

Sartin, Samantha

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

Classification of Glaucoma using ON-and OFF-pathway biasing SSVEPs

Scott, Martin T W

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Computational Model Selection fails to recover the capacity-limit in short-term memory recall

Golding, Jessica

Visual Memory: Models

Constructing the Cross-race Triad Identity Matching (CRTIM) test

Jeckeln, Geraldine

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Contributions of primate superior colliculus to face processing in temporal cortex

Yu, Gongchen

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Could spatial scrambling limit letter acuity in amblyopia? Insights from examining letter mistake patterns

Zhu, Raffles Xingqi

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Crowding affects visual acuity more for vertically than horizontally aligned letter charts

Siderov, John

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Decoding faces under discontinuous flash suppression

Hung, Shao-Min (Sean)

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Development and validation of a new dynamic facial expression database

Lipetzky, Sophia

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Differences between the perception and the recognition of cross-race faces

Töredi, Dilhan

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Distinct mechanisms of configural face processing based on the preferred first fixation location on the face

Chakravarthula, Puneeth N.

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Do emotional ensembles shape behavior? Investigating the role of average emotional expression in approach-avoidance decisions 

Shimshek, Eliz

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Eliminating individual face shape variability idiosyncratic to specific races reduces the other-race recognition disadvantage, but not the other-race categorization advantage

Martin, Emily

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Enhancing Face Perception Research with the Chinese Face and Body Dataset (CFBD)

Hu, Ying

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Excessive noise explains the dorsal stream deficit in Williams syndrome: a computational approach

Shapiro, Zvi

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Exploring Facial Distinctiveness Through Deep Learning: Insights Across Image Formats and Gender

Pilzak, Artem

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Exploring Semantic and Visual Information in Face Perception and Self-Perception with Deep Neural Networks

De, Arijit

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Face recognition and the blur paradox: Improved accuracy with distance

Long, Caitlin

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Face-selective brain regions share the visual-field anisotropies of early visual cortex

Greenwood, John A.

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Face-trained deep neural network shows human-like shape bias in face similarity judgments

Strehle, Virginia E.

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Facial emotion processing in naturalistic contexts

Fan, Xiaoxu

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Functional neural dynamics of visuomotor learning: functional connections between sensory, motor, multisensory, and frontal regions reveal network for visuo-proprioceptive recalibration

Folco, Kess

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

Functional organization of visual responses in the anterior temporal lobe

Deen, Ben

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Have we met before? Face learning over multiple interactions

Nevard, Alice

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Higher macular pigment density is related to improved contrast sensitivity when measured under blue haze conditions

Wysocky, Cameron

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Holistic Processing in Occipital and Fusiform Cortical Complexes Related to Radiological Expertise

Guan, Haowen

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

How to simulate visual impairment for research in visual perception?

Lanca, Carla

Spatial Vision: Clinical

How we learn new faces: gaze patterns and individual differences in real-life encounters

Casteau, Soazig

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Hyperfamiliarity for faces enhances functional connectivity between visual and non-visual regions of the brain during natural viewing

Noad, Kira N.

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Identifying Distrust from Facial Expressions by Facial Action Coding System

Lau, Gabriel RongYang

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Improving Mobility for People with Low Vision Using Augmented Reality

Szpiro, Sarit F.A

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Incomplete letter recognition is limited by cortical and not optical factors: Simulating the deficits of visual-led dementia in healthy adults

Huang, Zien

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Individual differences in eye movements to faces are stable but malleable

Hayward, William G.

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Investigating visual weighting during postural control using virtual reality

Bei, Yingying

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

iTrak: Using a novel approach to show that preferred fixation location remains stable in adults

McCourt, Siobhan

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Linking Conceptual Knowledge of Emotions to Visual Representations of Facial Expressions Using a Reverse Correlation Approach with Genetic Algorithms

St-Pierre, Émilie

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Mapping the Idiosyncratic Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion

Paparelli, Anita

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Mapping Visual Field Loss in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy using fMRI

Chow-Wing-Bom, Hugo

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Memory strength as accumulated activation over time: Unifying temporal order and repetition effects

Robinson, Maria

Visual Memory: Models

Modeling Action-Perception Coupling with Reciprocally Connected Neural Fields

Jiang, Xinrui

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Models of long-term memory can already produce several of the key signatures of visual working memory storage

Woodman, Geoffrey

Visual Memory: Models

Modulation of face processing by motor development: Infants can discriminate faces in a wider range of picture-plane rotations before rolling over

Kobayashi, Megumi

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Motion perception by a moving observer

Yu, David

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

Motor movements and reaction time as windows into cortical selectivity

Maniquet, Timothée

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Neural mechanisms of face encoding and recognition in developmental prosopagnosia and healthy controls

Campbell, Alison

Face and Body Perception: Neural

Neural networks rely on top-down representations under conditions of uncertainty

Kular, Holly


Neurodynamics of Active Face Perception During Free Viewing with Eye Tracking and Intracranial EEG

Becker, Casey

Face and Body Perception: Neural

No evidence of a Dunning-Kruger effect for face recognition ability: converging evidence from global and local metacognition

Kusel, Kayla

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Predicting amblyopia and crowding from appearance captures

Desai, Kaneiya

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Principal distortions for discrimination of image representations

Feather, Jenelle


Privileged representational axes in biological and artificial neural networks

Khosla, Meenakshi


Seeing in dim light: aging further exacerbates declines in reading vision and functional field of view

Penaloza, Boris

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Serial Dependence operates on categorical rather than stimulus representations: evidence from behavior and EEG

Costa, Pierre

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Social Correlates of Familiar and Unfamiliar Face Recognition for Chinese Faces in an East Asian Culture

Walker, Dana L.

Face and Body Perception: Individual differences

Spatial-scale invariant properties of visual cortex in mammals

Gauthaman, Raj Magesh


Stationarity perception depends on vestibular-oculomotor adaptation

MacNeilage, Paul

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

Suboptimal visual cues integration in location estimation paradigm

Phusuwan, Waragon


Supervised Quadratic Feature Analysis: Task-specific features that maximize quadratic decoding

Herrera-Esposito, Daniel


The contextual understanding effect: A specialized visual skill based on the implicit use of visual context information

Ortega, Jefferson

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

The Effect of Gender on Pain Expressions and Their Recognition: Exploring Facial Movement Patterns in Posed and Spontaneous Dynamics

Richer, Arianne

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

The influence of additional haptic information in speeded reaching movements

McIntosh, Logan

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

The Influence of Observer and Actor Age on the Complexity of Labels Offered in an Emotion Perception Task

Mienaltowski, Andrew

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

The Origin of Affect-specific Neural Representations of Emotional Scenes in Early Visual Cortex

Chen, Yujun

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Touching Sounds: Examining the Impact of Non-Visual Exposure on the Development of Audio-Tactile Sound-Shape Correspondences

Cao, Shibo

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

Training convolutional neural networks with blurry images enables the learning of more human-aligned visual representations

Jeon, Ikhwan


Training Horizontal Bias to Improve Face Identification in Older Adults

Sekuler, Allison B.

Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Using ssVEPs to Characterise Wide-Ranging Retinopathy: implications for Clinical Trials

Staeubli, Kim Eliane

Spatial Vision: Clinical

Using transfer learning to identify a neural network’s algorithm

Morrison, John


Variable Stimuli and Tests Generate Variable Confidence: Challenging the 'Recollection' Signal in Working Memory

Brady, Timothy

Visual Memory: Models

Visual Cognition in Vision-Language Models

Ehinger, Krista A.


Visual Emotion Recognition of Faces and Scenes in Alexithymia

Nudnou, Ilya

Face and Body Perception: Emotion

Visualizing the Unseen: Perceptographer, an AI Engine for Visualizing Brain-Stimulation-Induced Perceptual Events

Shahbazi, Elia


What or Where/How Does the Body-Tilt Illusion Occur?

Baia, Sophia R.

Multisensory Processing: Visual-haptic and visual-vestibular integration

When the eyes are no longer diagnostic: A clear demonstration of the N170 as automatic and goal-oriented information processing

Demeule, Chanelle

Face and Body Perception: Neural