Tuesday Afternoon Posters, Pavilion

Poster Session: Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author


Visual Working Memory and the Primary Visual Cortex: Behavioral Asymmetries and Structural Correlates

Papiernik-Kłodzińska, Julia

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Biases in predictions of dynamic natural scenes: contributions of motion and scene content on the accuracy and precision of prediction

Song, Jiali

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

Aversion to Ambiguity: The Relationship Between Categorization Ambiguity and Pleasure in Viewing Real-World Images

Tang, Yikai

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Novelty seekers vs. Familiarity seekers - Individual differences and personal profiling based on memory influence on visual preference

Zheng, Shengjie

Decision Making: Perception, memory

Attentional prioritization and deprioritization in perception and visual working memory

Tafech, Issam

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Depth estimation in real-world scenes

Trescakova, Michaela

Scene Perception: Natural images, virtual environments

The superior parietal lobule scene region is involved in visually-guided navigation

Yoon, Hee Kyung

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Distracted but not defeated: Voxel population codes flexibly transform to support high-fidelity working memory representations

Wennberg, Janna

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

The addition of stereopsis to natural scenes enhances human brain activation in scene-selective regions

Varon, Sofia

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Attentional refreshing multiple working memory objects via exogenous retro-cues

Joe, Juyeon

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Seeing What You Want to See: How Belief Biases Perception and Memory

Malitek, Adam

Decision Making: Perception, memory

A Dense Sampling Study on Visual Working Memory Across the Human Menstrual Cycle

li, A.Y

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Visual and Semantic Scene Information: A Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials Study

Stadhard, Skylar

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

EEG decoding reveals a link between visual working memory fidelity and the magnitude of similarity-induced memory bias

Ünver, Nursima

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Dynamic color priming in MLDS alters perceived similarity

Frey, Haley

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

Dimensions of tuning for 3D scene structure in the brain reflect dimensions of 3D structure encountered during natural behavior.

Lescroart, Mark

Scene Perception: Natural images, virtual environments

How visual and conceptual factors predict the composition of typical scene drawings

Wang, Gongting

Scene Perception: Natural images, virtual environments

Arbitrary and explicit prediction biases perceptual categorization

Bulatova, Olya

Decision Making: Perception, memory

Factors affecting baseline boundary extension effect: a meta-analysis

Lukavský, Jiří

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Associating memorized color with spatial location improves recall and biases gaze

Rawal, Amit

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Maintaining vs. updating representations: Roles of parahippocampal, occipital, and retrosplenial cortices in scene perception

Zhang, Treedom Beiyin

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Bind 2, Get 1 Free?: Will the Visual System Encode a Third Feature Even When It's Irrelevant?

Kousa, Moussa

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Goal-setting modulates visual working memory performance through alpha power suppression and effort

Kozlova, Olga

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Effects of imagining performing a task on the memory for scene picture boundaries

Gottesman, Carmela

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

Both active and passive states in visual working memory recruit sensory storage

Chen, Xinran

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Valence of the scene context, not the people in the scene is captured in the visual cortex and visual artificial neural networks

Yargholi, Elahe

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

The Effect of Scene Clutter on Visual Representations

Bracci, Stefania

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Bidirectional Interference Between Working Memory and Perception for Faces and Motion Over Time

Paranjape, Sanika

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

How much visual field loss can you tolerate on the road? Impact of central and peripheral scotomas on road hazard localization

Zivli, Ido

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

Immediate reselection of visual and motor memories after external interference

Gresch, Daniela

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Categorical Representations in Sequential Evidence Accumulation

Fang, Mengting

Decision Making: Perception, memory

Statistics of egocentric video during everyday tasks

Niu, Xueyan

Scene Perception: Natural images, virtual environments

The Impact of Retro-Cue Validity on Working Memory and Attentional Template Efficiency

Fortuna, Alexandre

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Neural correlates of working memory precision

Deutsch, Philipp

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Category-level stimulus representations induce similar biases in both retrospective and prospective perceptual decision-tasks

Maechler, Marvin

Decision Making: Perception, memory

Prediction Effects in Early Visual Perception

Kaur, Anmol

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Irresistibly logical: Disjunctive inferences facilitate visual recognition of likely and unlikely events

Braswell, Nathaniel

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

Observers overestimate how much they see across the visual field

Cohen, Michael

Scene Perception: Natural images, virtual environments

Distinct roles of visual and semantic information in scene detection and categorization

Aronson, Sage

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Causal evidence for the role of visual areas in working memory maintenance

Chu, Wing Kwan Hannah

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

The Influence of Regional Landmarks on Sex Differences in Spatial Navigation: The Moderating Role of Sense of Direction

He, Qiliang

Scene Perception: Natural images, virtual environments

Relational scene understanding relies on cortical processing evidenced by dichoptic presentation

Kim, Nayoung

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

Untypical scene exemplars are easier to remember, but harder to categorize

Atzert, Charlotte

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

The stability of individual working memory capacity measures

Turner, Courtney

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

MRI compatible dome display to study the neural correlates of dynamic immersive naturalistic vision.


Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Repulsive bias in category formation: Beyond confirmation bias

Ni, Long

Decision Making: Perception, memory

Learned affordances and action similarity modulate repulsion biases in visual working memory

Trentin, Caterina

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Pinpointing the Sources of Top-Down Feedback in Visual Working Memory

Li, Shanshan

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Representations of scene beauty in space and time: An EEG-fMRI fusion study

Flieger, Philipp

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

Visual working memory intrusions caused by salient onsets, with and without spatial distraction

Montalvo, Derrek T.

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Remembering multiple objects in the same category leads to better performance at a sacrifice of higher false alarm

Chareunsouk, Payachana

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Serial dependence in target estimation becomes more pronounced with increasing temporal variations in the context

Lim, Jaeseob

Decision Making: Perception, memory

Assessing the efficacy of visual augmentations for high-stress navigation

Turkstra, Lily

Scene Perception: Natural images, virtual environments

Ensemble physics: perceiving the mass of groups of objects is more than the sum of its parts

Vivanco Cepeda, Vicente

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Revealing the effect of regularities on representations in visual working memory

Ataseven, Nursena

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Representation of goal-modulated navigational affordances in the human brain

Yu, Jinkook

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Intuitive physical and domain-general reasoning are dissociable in the human brain

Pramod, RT

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Visual Working Memory Load Modulates Distraction in Visual Search

Trujillo, Jennifer

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

Rewards Guide Voluntary Utilization of Visual Working Memory

Zheng, Xutao

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Shared and Unique Visual Working Memory Representations Across Individuals Revealed by Intracranial Recordings

Farley, John

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Scene Processing is Information Capacity Limited by both Visual and Semantic Information

Nguyen, Amy

Scene Perception: Spatiotemporal factors

The influence of expectations on working memory-based decisions and sensory working memory representations

Zhou, Ying

Decision Making: Perception, memory

Neural correlates of boundary prominence and type in the human brain

Park, Jieun

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Decision-making modulates perceptual interference beyond sensory interactions

Saito, Joseph M.

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Working memory consolidation interruption by forced choice decision is location specific

Tamber-Rosenau, Benjamin J.

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

A large-scale vision-language fMRI dataset for multi-modal semantic processing

Li, Yuanning

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

From Vision to Decision: How Tasks Transform Dynamic Brain Representations

Duan, Yaocong

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Task-Dependent Neural Coding in Visual Working Memory

Boakye, Dennis

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Active removal of information from working memory invokes the concerted recruitment of distributed neocortical regions

Cruz, Renata

Visual Memory: Working memory and attention

The Influence of Identical Objects on Visual Working Memory Capacity: Electrophysiological Evidence

Guo, Lijing

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Atypical place selectivity in the retrosplenial complex in individuals with autism spectrum disorder

Li, Taylor L.

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Scan it like it’s hot: Working memory and visual scanning

Segers, Micalee

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Scene Understanding Maps: Predicting Most Frequently Fixated Object during Free Viewing with Multi-Modal Large Language Models

Murlidaran, Shravan

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Measuring Trust in Artificial Intelligence with the contralateral delay activity (CDA)

Feldmann-Wüstefeld, Tobias

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Characterizing the probable location of scene perception and place memory areas along the cortical hierarchy – a publicly available resource

Steel, Adam

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Exploring the role of saccades in visual working memory utilization

Qais, Rania

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Foveated Multi-Modal Large Language Model Maps to Predict Time to Understand Scenes

Wen, Ziqi

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Seeing from the ground up: Spontaneous perception of 'causal history' due to intuitive physics

Wong, Kimberly W.

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

High-dimensional structure underlying individual differences in naturalistic visual experience

Han, Chihye

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms

Anticipation of Extra Memory Load Does Not Alter Working Memory’s Reliance on Long-term Memory

Yılmaz, Yakup

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Response modality modulates spatial and temporal biases in visual working memory

Yang, Sihan

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Content-independent pointers mediate working memory storage for both visual and verbal stimuli

Chang, Woohyeuk

Visual Memory: Neural mechanism of working memory

Modeling visual cortex with local unsupervised learning

Passi, Ananya

Scene Perception: Categorization, memory, clinical, intuitive physics, models

Task-relevant actions trigger automatic working memory updating

Özdemir, Sahcan

Visual Memory: Working memory and visual functions

Neural activity resolved in space and time through fusion of large-scale EEG and fMRI datasets.

Charest, Ian

Scene Perception: Neural mechanisms