Student-Postdoc Advisory Board Nominations

The Vision Sciences Society is pleased to announce the formation of a new Student-Postdoc Advisory Board. The Society is now soliciting nominations.

VSS is creating this board because of the importance of the activities of VSS to its trainee members, including areas such as networking, transitions to careers, opportunities to present research before an international audience, and opportunities to learn about current and emerging areas of research, as well as the important contributions made by trainees to the conference and to the society. VSS seeks to ensure that its activities and policies continue to meet the evolving needs of this key population.

The Student-Postdoc Advisory Board will share ideas and proposals about how VSS events, workshops, meeting structure and activities can best target the needs of trainee members and attendees. SPA Board members may also have opportunities to increase the role of students and postdocs in designing and running appropriate events or workshops. VSS envisions the creation of a SPA Board as a means to better address the needs of the large group of students and postdoc VSS members. Serving on the SPA Board, as well as participating or leading any resulting activities, also may serve as a source of useful professional experience for the engaged trainees.

Nomination Procedure

Those interested in becoming members of the Student-Postdoc Advisory Board should send the following information in a single PDF file:

  1. One-page statement summarizing the reasons for interest in serving on the SPA Board, as well as any relevant prior experience or qualifications;
  2. List of previous VSS conferences attended;
  3. Statement of intention to attend the VSS conference in 2020 and 2021 as a student/postdoc VSS member, as well as a statement that the nominee expects to retain status as either a student or postdoc for the 12 months following the 2020 conference;
  4. Names and contact information of two individuals who could provide letters of support for the nomination; and
  5. Current CV, including current affiliation and contact information.

Membership is for a period of one year, beginning on the first day of the Annual Meeting, with the opportunity for appointment to a second year.

Please send nomination materials to by March 12, 2020.


Nominations Open: February 13, 2020
Nominations Close: March 12, 2020
Board Announced: April 15, 2020