Friday Afternoon Posters, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Session: Friday, May 16, 2025, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author



Slower Reading Speed in Migraine: Effects of Discomfort?

Haigh, Sarah M

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Are there qualitative individual differences in spatial attention?

Luzardo, Felipe

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Using the MATCH toolbox to examine good-enough guidance for real-world objects

Goetz, Jessica N.

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Improving health data visualizations: effects of color and summary information on decision making

Busciglio, Angelica S.

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Attentional Guidance From Negative Templates in Visual Working Memory is Implemented Indirectly via Spatial Recoding

Prakash, Aditya

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Visual model of locomotion reproduces lanes and stripes in crossing human crowds

Veprek, Kyra

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Target Probability, Response Demands, and the Vigilance Decrement

Skinner, Henri Etel

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Trial-By-Trial Feature-Based Suppression is Retroactive and Slow

Becker, Mark W.

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Concurrent selection of internal search goals and external visual targets during visual working-memory guided search

Liu, Baiwei

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Multiple excitatory cell types in primary and secondary visual cortex are recruited during accumulation-of-evidence decisions

Wilkins, Lillian

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Examining the relationship between individual differences in visual sensitivity and distribution of covert attention around the visual field

Haseeb, Zainab

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Gaze-contingent visual occlusions bias steering behavior: Implications for vision loss

Giguere, Arianna P.

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Novel motor skills recruit visuomotor abstractions

McDougle, Samuel

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Stimulus-driven and goal-directed orienting and encoding into memory across space and time

Chak, Carly

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Sensory integration strategies exhibit distinct state-dependent dynamics

Ye, Letizia

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Lapses of sustained attention occur when goals compete

Chidharom, Matthieu

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Searching between working-memory versus visual arrays

Wei, Dengxinyi

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Overt Attentional Suppression of Highly Salient Onsets

Brar, Esha

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Preserved exogenous attention in the myopic parafovea

steinfeld, Katia

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Continuous psychophysics differentiates visual and motor performance across motor domains

Pisu, Veronica

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Hunting at the limit: sensorimotor integration of visual direction variables guides head and body movements during vigorous target pursuit in mice

Pollak, Daniel

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Probing flexible adaptation of internal physics models in humans

Aldegheri, Giacomo

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Pre-stimulus shape predictions fluctuate at alpha rhythms and bias subsequent perception

Hetenyi, Dorottya

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Single Subject Performance from Eye Metrics

Torres, Alexis

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Change Blindness: The Impact of Motion and Perceptual Load

Pitman, Rachel

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Parallel Sequential Rejection in Conjunction Search: Insights from Eye-Tracking on Distractor Processing Dynamics

Cui, Andrea Yaoyun

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Predictive templates guide visual search by prompting the generation of target features in visual working memory.

Bartlett, Jennifer

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Cerebral visual impairment is associated with altered gaze dynamics and conservative walking strategies to safely navigate dense, dynamic spaces in virtual reality

Doyon, Jonathan K.

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Basic Characteristics of Inattentional Blindness

Rensink, Ronald A.

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Reducing the Sampling Dependency Between Visual Numerosity Estimates Improves Aggregated Estimation Accuracy

Azarov, Daniil

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Exploring Human Navigational Strategies in a Dynamic VR Social Wayfinding Task

Suchojad, Jakub

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

The effects of action and stimulus visibility in early visual cortex

van Kemenade, Bianca M

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

The (sometimes slow and sometimes fast) time course of information acquisition during visual search

Wu, Patrick

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Popout and object re-identification

Caulfield, Avery

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Numeracy and Navigation: Assessing Mathematical Dispositions through Eye Tracking

Lewis, Joanna

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Learned target-distractor similarity changes the precision of the target template and visual search behaviors

Halpern, Catherine

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Alpha tACS over Right Dorsolateral PFC and Its Impact on Attentional Blink

Varastegan, Sahereh

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Visual Control of Deceleration: Athlete Adaptation in High-Demand Target Interception Tasks

Willoughby, Dominic

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Repeated search can make search slower and less efficient: A replication and extension.

Varakin, Donald (Alex)

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Effects of Virtual Reality Use in Children 10- to 12-Years-Old

Clark, Ashley M.

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Tracking the Time Course of Global and Local Processing

Shofner, Steven

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Information-based versus model-based accounts of gaze behavior during steering

Fajen, Brett

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Visual cues of infection risk influence impulsivity and risk preference

Liang, Guangsheng

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Investigating the contribution of unpredictable target features to attentional guidance

Xu, Zoe (Jing)

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Catching the wandering mind with real-time triggers

Shelat, Shivang

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Impact of Task-Irrelevant Heterogeneity on Visual Search Efficiency and Attentional Capture

Chang, Myo-Hee

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Recalibrating to changes in action capabilities while steering through multiple waypoints

Jansen, AJ

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

White matter stimulation with single electrical pulses modulates neuronal activity in visual cortex

Huang, Harvey

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Orienting of internal attention between short- and long-term memory

Narhi-Martinez, William

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Limited Scope of the Functional Field of View in Cerebral Visual Impairment

Manley, Claire

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

The role of spatial knowledge in guiding high-speed steering

Roessling, Grace

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Exploring the Impact of Target-Distractor Featural Contrast on Feature Prioritization in Efficient Visual Search.

Yu, Jun-Ming

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Visuomotor coordination during walking in a complex natural environment

Shields, Stephanie M

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Impact of Global and Local Clutter on Visual Search Efficiency and Attentional Guidance

Velazquez, Enilda

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Face Perception is Resistant to Redundancy Masking

Hauser, Lillian

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

The cortical navigation network is organized into distributed functional gradients

Zhang, Tianjiao

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Exploring Implicit Category Representations Using Target-Related Clutter

Zhou, Elizabeth Y.

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Investigating the impact of stress on overt attention during an eyewitness event

Kortenhoeven, Abigail

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Bending the Template: Evidence for Relational Guidance in Visual Foraging

Tünnermann, Jan

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

The time course of an error: Benefits of examining pre-error speeding and post-error slowing simultaneously

Malykke, Sarah B.

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Gaze in Dynamic Natural Environments

Oh, Youjin

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Maybe You Can Have It Both Ways: No Stability-Flexibility “Tradeoff” With Item-Specific Control

Almasi, Rebeka

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway