Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Poster Session: Monday, May 19, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Title

First Author

Adaptation of attentional control: The impact of distractor prevalence on distractor location learning

Söyük, Mustafa Zeyd

Age-Invariant Benefits of Predictions in Dynamic Visual Search with Varying Distraction Loads

Shalev, Nir

Behavioral performance and task-evoked pupillary response indices of errors during visual search

Guillory, Sylvia

Error-prone states in visual search

Wolfe, Jeremy

How consistent are you? Idiosyncratic polar angle biases in visual search for different stimuli.

Tennyson, Cailey

Increased physical effort reduces miss errors in visual search

Moher, Jeff

Searching in Summary: Mean and range ensemble statistics guide attention in visual search tasks

Knox, Kristina

The effect of prevalence in a continuous monitoring task with dynamic scenes and target events

Paavola, Michael L.

The Effect of Visual and Verbal Cueing on Semantic Bias Activation and Target Selection

Zafarmand, Mahsa

Do you Really Need that Cup? Effect of Caffeine on Visual Attention and Learning

Youn, Sojung

Visual Search and ASD: Basic vs. Superordinate Category Search

Abassi Abu Rukab, Safaa

The Locus for Eye Movements and Attention in Macular Degeneration

Freedman, Andrew

Comparing Object Localization Deficits in Desktop and Immersive Virtual Reality Search Tasks in Individuals with Cerebral Visual Impairment

Heynen, Madeleine