Object Recognition: Reading
Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Banyan Breezeway
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Bhimani, Ali | |
Dissociation between the processing of spatial frequencies vs scale in visual word recognition |
Bertrand Pilon, Clémence |
Font Size, X-Height, and Readability: How Typography Affects Reading Speed Across Different Sizes |
Sawyer, Ben |
Impaired local perception for visual word forms in developmental dyslexia |
Hung, Shao-Chin |
cha, yeha | |
The impact of font on typo detection: a novel visual search paradigm |
Heffernan, Emily |
Psychophysics of variable fonts: Do multiple font features interact to impact readability? |
Guidi, Silvia |
Quantification of white-matter connectivity in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex |
Lei, Yongning |
Simultaneous response, without suppression, to multiple words within the visual word form area |
Chauhan, Vassiki |
van Boxtel, Jeroen | |
The Impact of Font Weight on Expressiveness Beyond Latin: Insights from Arabic and English |
Atilgan, Nilsu |
The influence of unfamiliar letter string orientation on crowding effects in Japanese reading |
Maruya, Kazushi |
Stoops, Anastasia |