Object Recognition: Models
Poster Session: Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Banyan Breezeway
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Sörensen, Lynn K. A. | |
Capturing the representational dynamics of face perception in deep recurrent neural networks |
Adeli, Hossein |
Do deep neural networks perceive contextual visual illusions? |
Jang, Hojin |
Prince, Jacob S. | |
Blauch, Nicholas M. | |
Population Receptive Field Modeling: Methods, Challenges, and Insights |
Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz |
Quantifying the similarity of neural representations using decision variable correlation |
Qian, Yu |
Representational Geometry Dynamics in Networks After Long-Range Modulatory Feedback |
Luo, Kexin Cindy |
McNeal, Nikolas | |
Towards Holistic Vision in Deep Neural Networks: Disentangling Local and Global Processing |
Doshi, Fenil R. |
Tracing the origins of privileged axes in artificial neural networks |
Srivastava, Sudhanshu |
Visual Feature Classification and Error Analysis in Multi-Modal Large Language Models |
Wang, Ching-Yi |
A unified computational framework for visual dysfunctions in psychosis |
Toosi, Tahereh |