Eye Movements: Perception, fixational eye movements
Poster Session: Sunday, May 18, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Pavilion
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Visual masking of amplitude and velocity of saccade-like large-field motion |
Nörenberg, Wiebke |
Characteristics and Possible Visual Consequences of Lens Motion during Eye Movements |
Yang, Bin |
Early Stage Eye-fixations Reveal Belief-Driven Bias in Correlation Perception |
Chang, Minsuk |
The impact of variable cursor feedback delay on visuomotor tracking |
Turner, Lucy |
Greenberg, Boris | |
Di Stasi, Leandro L. | |
The Optimal Retinal Locus for High-Resolution Vision in Space and Time |
Banks, Martin S. |
Castro, Sophia | |
Human eye movements have a downward drift bias during visual exploration |
Reeves, Stephanie |
Li, Y. Howard | |
Tyson, Terence L. | |
Pathologists’ Routine Fixations Can Be Used to Supervise Lymph Node Deep Learning Models |
Ling, Meng |