Attention: Inattention, load
Poster Session: Friday, May 16, 2025, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Banyan Breezeway
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Target Probability, Response Demands, and the Vigilance Decrement |
Skinner, Henri Etel |
Stimulus-driven and goal-directed orienting and encoding into memory across space and time |
Chak, Carly |
Chidharom, Matthieu | |
Pitman, Rachel | |
Rensink, Ronald A. | |
Alpha tACS over Right Dorsolateral PFC and Its Impact on Attentional Blink |
Varastegan, Sahereh |
Shelat, Shivang | |
Orienting of internal attention between short- and long-term memory |
Narhi-Martinez, William |
Limited Scope of the Functional Field of View in Cerebral Visual Impairment |
Manley, Claire |
Hauser, Lillian | |
Investigating the impact of stress on overt attention during an eyewitness event |
Kortenhoeven, Abigail |
Malykke, Sarah B. | |
Maybe You Can Have It Both Ways: No Stability-Flexibility “Tradeoff” With Item-Specific Control |
Almasi, Rebeka |