Sunday Morning Posters, Pavilion

Poster Session: Sunday, May 18, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author


The Effect of Action on Visual False Percepts

Cabato, Juan Carlo

Action: Perception and recognition

A Comparison of Methods for Measuring Interocular Delays

Lim, Brooke

Binocular Vision: Clinical, perception

Visuospatial performance during a pointing task in Dementia with Lewy Bodies.

Bosco, Annalisa

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Explainable AI-aided examination of saccade preparation in human EEG signals

Izadkhah, Mojan

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Dissociation between Attentional and Oculomotor Habits

Holtz, Emma

Attention: Spatial

Causes and Consequences of losing consciousness: intracranial electroencephalography evidence in humans

lin, sheng

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Mechanisms Underlying the Contribution of Spatial Frequency of Disparity and Vergence to Depth Perception in Stereopsis

Moon, Joonsik

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Does a similar mechanism control vertical and horizontal binocular pursuit?

Heinen, Stephen

Eye Movements: Pursuit, learning, vergence

Suppressed luminance stimuli alter the representation of the saccade target

Forouzandehfar, Golnaz

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

VEP measures of monocular attenuation in amblyopia are extremely reliable across sessions and predict perceptual responses

Meier, Kimberly

Binocular Vision: Clinical, perception

Endogenous attention enhances contrast sensitivity similarly around cardinal meridians despite differential adaptation effects

Lee, Hsing-Hao

Attention: Spatial

Pre-Saccadic Suppression is Reduced in the Anti-Saccade Task

Smith, Matthew

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Self-induced motion is estimated based on the vector average during smooth pursuit eye movements

Schütz, Alexander C.

Eye Movements: Pursuit, learning, vergence

Oculomotor contribution to synchronization of cortical activity

Benedetto, Alessandro

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Tracking Visual Awareness in CFS

Drewes, Jan

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Effects of Covert Attention on the Perceptual Encoding of Naturalistic Scenes

Kiat, John E.

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Coding visuo-spatial information in a vibrotactile belt: Perceived egocentric direction from patterns of vibration

Feldmann, Sina

Action: Perception and recognition

Distinct Mechanisms of Distractor Suppression Evidenced by Reaching Movements

Ahn, Shinhae

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Plan It To Learn It : Motor Planning Drives Contextual Adaptation in the Oculomotor System

Martel, Maxime

Eye Movements: Pursuit, learning, vergence

Adapting saccades in opposite directions reveals inter-hemispheric interference in motor learning

Polgári, Patrik

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Active manipulation promotes predictive gaze strategies during virtual object exploration

Bacher, Cassandra W.

Action: Perception and recognition

Serial dependence in goal-directed hand movements

Muñoz-Puelman, Cristian

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Hidden in plain sight: Pupil change and pupil asymmetry reflect infant covert attention development

Jones, Victoria

Attention: Spatial

Effects of inactivating primate superior colliculus on frontal eye field neurons during a selective attention task

Katz, Leor N

Attention: Neural mechanisms

A new ‘tracking’ version of Continuous Flash Suppression to quantify suppression strength: constant CFS suppression for all image types & two times the suppression strength of binocular rivalry

Alais, David

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Intracranial Electroencephalography reveals the neural correlates of eye-movement guidance to objects

Alreja, Arish

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Footsteps Illusion in Binocular Interaction

Cho, Eun

Binocular Vision: Clinical, perception

Humans learn to trace meaningful relationships with their eyes

Özsu, Ataol Burak

Eye Movements: Pursuit, learning, vergence

Functional brain network dynamics capture context- and modality-general fluctuations in sustained attention

Corriveau, Anna

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Training Context Determines Implicit and Explicit Contributions to Motor Adaptation

Villavicencio, Pamela

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Visual features for egocentric action recognition

Rybansky, Filip

Action: Perception and recognition

Faster breakthroughs of fearful faces from continuous flash suppression are accompanied by faster eye responses

Hu, Junchao

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Aberrant neural information accumulation during binocular rivalry in schizophrenia

Sponheim, Scott

Binocular Vision: Clinical, perception

Object-based saccadic signals revealed in superior colliculus local field potentials

Conroy, Christopher

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Large flanker effect during a focal cue may be the result of attentional resetting

Opdenaker, Joe

Attention: Spatial

Understanding visual processing during saccades using zebrafish

Bauer, Lisa

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

How Does Temporal Frequency Influence Binocular Balance in Normal and Amblyopic Observers?

Min, Seung Hyun

Binocular Vision: Clinical, perception

Dynamic read-out of transsaccadic attentional remapping from EEG alpha band oscillation

Chiu, Tzu-Yao

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Spatial frequency, not orientation, can be associated to speed statistics: Effects on pursuit eye movements

Schoeffel, Cléo

Eye Movements: Pursuit, learning, vergence

Noninvasive neuromodulation of human subcortical visual pathways with transcranial ultrasound stimulation

Ash, Ryan

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Tracing perisaccadic changes in location perception in extrastriate and prefrontal responses

Weng, Geyu

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Mask Contrast, but Not Mask Size or Participant Expectations, Modulates Suppression Depth in Continuous Flash Suppression.

Coorey, Jacob

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

The role of visuomotor experience in attenuation of visual evoked responses

Buaron, Batel

Action: Perception and recognition

Transfer Between Saccade and Reach Adaptation Using Concurrent Sine-Wave Perturbations

Li, Zinong

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Mapping attention across the visual field when tracking motion around the head

Hanning, Nina M.

Attention: Spatial

Variance perception affects the sense of agency, but not vice versa

Yeo, Yunsoo

Action: Perception and recognition

Imagery priming of binocular rivalry is not a reliable metric of individual differences in the subjective vividness of visualisations.

Bouyer, Loren N.

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Perceptual completion supports transsaccadic object correspondence

Parth, Fabian

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Memory-Guided Spatiotemporal Attention

Ginell, Keara M.

Attention: Spatial

Neural encoding of fixation location and order of gaze paths

Meghanathan, Radha Nila

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

The impact of binocular depth cues and movement direction on grasping and placement behaviours

Goldstein, Nathaniel

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Different latencies in the two eyes during midline pursuit

Watamaniuk, Scott

Eye Movements: Pursuit, learning, vergence

Dissociating effects of spatial attention and microsaccades on neural activity in early to mid-level visual areas.

Zajkowski, Wojciech

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Action boosts vision, especially in tough tasks

Yildiz, Gizem Y.

Action: Perception and recognition

Reduced sensitivity to size but preserved perception-action dissociation in older adults.

Tassone, Felicia

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Reliance on Anchor Objects as Spatial Cues Increases Under Low Visibility

Souza-Wiggins, Makayla

Attention: Spatial

Unveiling the Functional Architecture of Human Eye Fields

Bedini, Marco

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Perceptual and oculomotor dissociation of assimilation and contrast effects of optic flow

Guo, Hongyi

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

How does defocus limit continuous vergence tracking of objects in otherwise static natural scenes?

Safianu, Fuseina

Eye Movements: Pursuit, learning, vergence

Value Processing in the Frontal Eye Field of Non-Human Primates

Yu, Xuefei

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Fusible ipsilateral surround reduces magnitude of interocular suppression when surround conditions randomly change

Nichols, David

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Representation of objects, attention, and load in human prefrontal cortex

Qu, Shijie

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Naturalistic visuomotor behaviours reveal reduced handedness lateralization in autism.

Fewster, Emily

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Quantifying Luning: Perceptual fading at mono-binocular boundaries in augmented reality

Zhao, Zhetuo

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Serial Processing of Stimulus Identity and Attention Shifting Statistical Learning

Sali, Anthony

Attention: Spatial

Dysconnectivity of somatomotor and visual networks emerges clearly in the functional but not structural connectome in early psychosis

Keane, Brian

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Lateral occipito-temporal and parietal areas encode different features during natural action perception

Dima, Diana C

Action: Perception and recognition

The dependence of saccadic reaction time on the prior presence of visual targets

Edelman, Jay A

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Increases vs. Decreases: Asymmetric Effects of Contrast Changes during Binocular Rivalry Modulated by Awareness of Perceptual Switch

Huang, Changzhi

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Rhythmic interactions between the early visual areas and prefrontal cortex predict bistable perception

Zhang, Yanni

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Decoding Foveal Feedback of Saccade Targets from Early Visual Cortex

Kämmer, Luca

Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms

Sounds Like Vision: Mapping the spatial and temporal characteristics of crossmodal cueing

Williams, Jamal

Attention: Spatial

Spatiotemporal task parameters modulate multisensory response enhancement in saccadic latency

Chalissery, Jessica

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Adaptation to haptic target size highlights the hierarchical nature of grasp planning

Whitwell, Robert

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Saccade system activates pursuit to cover for its errors

Koerfer, Krischan

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Modeling the influence of oscillation frequency on perceptual stability during binocular rivalry

Cha, Oakyoon

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Perceiving the affordance of interceptability for others

Zaal, Frank

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Task-Specific Neural Mechanisms of Attentional Control: Evidence from Cross-Task Decoding

Sabo, Melinda

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Statistical learning adaptively adjusts the visuospatial attentional focus under highly uncertain search contexts

Massironi, Andrea

Attention: Spatial

Neural Processing of Binocular Rivalry Across the Visual Hierarchy

Rao, Junxian

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Sustained dynamics of saccadic inhibition and adaptation during continuous exploration

Buonocore, Antimo

Eye Movements: Saccades, remapping

Statistical learning to inhibit visual distractors: role of awareness in setting the frame of reference of learning

Chen, Litian

Attention: Spatial

Dissociating the roles of spatial position within the visual field and the implied destination of a moving object in the perceptual-motor congruence effect known as the Simon Effect

Tanke, Kade T.

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Attention-related N2pc component of the visual evoked potentials as a marker of fine-grain shifts of attention within the foveola

Guzhang, Yue

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Ongoing alpha oscillations bias decision-making in willed attention

Xiong, Changhao

Attention: Neural mechanisms

Spatial affordances trigger spontaneous visual perspective-taking even in the absence of other agents

Walter-Terrill, Robert

Action: Grasping, reaching, pointing, affordances

Target Discrimination at Different Viewing Distances: The Role of Expectancy for Target Configurations

Britt, Noah

Attention: Spatial

Neural Responses to Binocularly In-phase and Anti-phase Stimuli

Richard, Bruno

Binocular Vision: Rivalry and bistability, stereopsis, models, neural mechanisms

Reconstructing moving object locations in an immersive 3D virtual environment from EEG oscillatory activity

Bullock, Tom

Attention: Neural mechanisms