Saturday Afternoon Posters, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Title

First Author


Limbus segments are a potential alternative to P-CR signals for gaze estimation

Willeford, Kevin

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Reduced inhibitory control in Parkinson disease as revealed by saccadic inhibition

Cafaro, Celeste

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Eye-Tracking-BIDS: the brain imaging data structure extended to gaze position and pupil data

Szinte, Martin

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Fixation biases towards faces in complex scenes in ASD and ADHD

Linka, Marcel

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Decoding eye closed gaze position using DeepMReye

Kling, Sina M

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Relational memory for objects in scenes: Eye movements reveal effect of the extent of scene repetition

Albert, Josefine

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

A new technique for understanding how theory-based factors combine to control eye movements

Leite, Abe

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

Eye Movement Patterns Serve as Indicators of Implicit Knowledge Acquisition in Visual Artificial Grammar Learning

Lavrova, Irina

Eye Movements: Models, clinical, context

The influence of unfamiliar letter string orientation on crowding effects in Japanese reading

Maruya, Kazushi

Object Recognition: Reading

Dissociation between the processing of spatial frequencies vs scale in visual word recognition

Bertrand Pilon, Clémence

Object Recognition: Reading

The role of experience with visual and linguistic factors on skipping behavior during reading in teen and adult readers

Stoops, Anastasia

Object Recognition: Reading

Quantification of white-matter connectivity in the ventral occipitotemporal cortex

Lei, Yongning

Object Recognition: Reading

The impact of font on typo detection: a novel visual search paradigm

Heffernan, Emily

Object Recognition: Reading

Impaired local perception for visual word forms in developmental dyslexia

Hung, Shao-Chin

Object Recognition: Reading

The impact of different colours of noise on visual acuity

van Boxtel, Jeroen

Object Recognition: Reading

Psychophysics of variable fonts: Do multiple font features interact to impact readability?

Guidi, Silvia

Object Recognition: Reading

The Impact of Font Weight on Expressiveness Beyond Latin: Insights from Arabic and English

Atilgan, Nilsu

Object Recognition: Reading

Font Size, X-Height, and Readability: How Typography Affects Reading Speed Across Different Sizes

Sawyer, Ben

Object Recognition: Reading

Simultaneous response, without suppression, to multiple words within the visual word form area

Chauhan, Vassiki

Object Recognition: Reading

Artificial Fixation Points- Are They Generalizable?

Bhimani, Ali

Object Recognition: Reading

Linking font legibility and preference

cha, yeha

Object Recognition: Reading

The impact of visual object perception on the design of writing systems across languages

Ismail-Beigi, Roxana

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

When tracking just one predictable and slow object is very hard: A constraint from structured representation of an orbit

Wu, Qihan

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

Mental Rotation: Sex and STEM Differences

Hanan, Raevan

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

World-Centric Induced Cardinal Biases in 3D Object Orientation Perception

Sena, Anantaporn

Object Recognition: Frames of reference

Navigating Uncertainty: The Role of Perceptual Certainty in Serial Dependence

Ai, Muzhen

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Autistic and schizotypal traits predict weighting of sensory evidence and perceptual priors in visual causality judgments

Marsicano, Gianluca

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Repulsive serial dependence from a binocular mechanism

Collins, Thérèse

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Serial Dependence Under Uncertainty: The Roles of Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Positive Evidence

Little, Zoe

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Functionally active representations in working memory can override serial dependence in perception

Trübutschek, Darinka

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

The influence of temporal context on vision over multiple time scales

Rideaux, Reuben

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Repulsion from and attraction towards previous stimuli and responses depend on response type and stimulus duration

Can, Mert

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Set size and delay duration interact in influencing serial dependence in visual working memory

Lee, Alan L. F.

Perceptual Organization: Serial dependence

Substance-invariant processing for judgments of frontal plane distance, centroids, numerosity, and large-letter identity.

Sperling, George

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Somatosensory response to visual objects: cross-modal processing of grasp-related features revealed by MEG

Marchioro, Margherita

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Border ownership selectivity differs with cell class in visual area V4

Azadi, Maryam

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Training-induced recovery of motion perception after occipital stroke despite V1-V4 damage

Lam, Niki

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Understanding the representational geometry of psychological and neural spaces across multiple similarity dimensions.

Gamba, Johan A.

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Quantifying phosphene size using MRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation to primary visual cortex

Cohan, Remy

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Perceptual Filling-in of Motion Speed at the Physiological Blind Spot

Wang, Einstina

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms

Probing the Neural Basis of Visual Abstraction: Macaques and ANN Models Achieve Similar Sketch Recognition Performance

Qudrat, Umael

Perceptual Organization: Neural mechanisms