Sunday Morning Posters, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Session: Sunday, May 18, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Title

First Author


Experiential3D: Four Illusions Challenge Our Understanding of 3D Visual Experience

Linton, Paul

3D Processing: Shape

Unfolding spatiotemporal representations of 3D perception in the human brain: an fMRI-EEG fusion study

Lu, Zitong

3D Processing: Shape

The contribution of binocular depth information to the perceived size of 3D shapes

Gunasekera, Iroshini

3D Processing: Shape

A Bayesian hierarchical model for recovering 3D natural shapes from perspective images

Beers, Mark

3D Processing: Shape

Bilaterally Symmetric 3D Reconstructor (BiS3D): A Cognitively Inspired Model of Human 3D Shape Perception 

Hii, Doreen

3D Processing: Shape

Shape processing algorithms in V4 derived from neural network models

Chen, Allen M.

3D Processing: Shape

Effects of distance and geometric context on orientation discrimination

Rosenholtz, Ruth

3D Processing: Shape

A Convexity-Bias Model Can Explain Non-Rigid Percepts of Rigidly Moving Structure-From-Motion Stimuli

Choi, Ryne

3D Processing: Shape

Large-scale horizontal-vertical illusion measured outdoors with supine observers

Kwok, Chung Sze

3D Processing: Shape

Cueing directs attention towards visual search items, rather than enhancing their processing

Hulleman, Johan

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

The more you know, the slower you say no: Broad and narrow templates in visual search for real-world objects

Ajith, Susan

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Exploring the different roles of fixations in an active visual search task

Wu, Tiffany C.

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Foraging on a grid: the importance of stimulus layout in visual search behavior

Hughes, Anna

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

The Role of Scene Context in the Guidance of Attention Based on Object-Location Associations

Frandsen, Justin

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

From salience to meaning and scene grammar: Predicting visual search efficiency in naturalistic scenes

Nuthmann, Antje

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Shaped by Meaning: Top-Down Facilitation of Semantic Cognition in Tool Visual Exploration

Valio, Luigi

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Dynamic Adjustment of Fixation Durations in Visual Search.

Aivar, M Pilar

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Exploring the impact of rewards on oculomotor behavior in visual search tasks

Shdeour, Orit

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Utilizing Generative AI for Scene Search: Enhancing Flexibility and Control in Visual Search Experiments

Walter, Kerri

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Dig a Little Deeper: Comparing 2D to 3D Search Performance When Looking for Multiple Breast Cancers

Rakusen, Lyndon

Visual Search: Eye movements, scenes, real-world stimuli

Ensemble Coding Abilities are Governed by a (Mostly) Domain General Mechanism

Gillies, Greer

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

How does task-irrelevant variability influence ensemble judgments?

Kim, Suyeon

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

The Role of Priming and Suppression in Ensemble Perception

Kaspar, Gizem Tanseli

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Outlier Discounting in Temporal Ensembles

Zhang, Zhilin

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Explicit Access to Detailed Feature Distribution Representations

Khvostov, Vladislav

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Visual adaptation to arbitrarily assigned value

Clarke, Sam

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Evidence for Perceptual Interdependence Between Number and Area

Liu, Moxuan

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

The Paradox of Certainty: Graphed Ensembles Convey Averages Better than Graphed Averages

Wang, Yang

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Contextual perception of emotional faces in dynamic crowds

Er, Görkem

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Investigating the Role of Retinal and Perceived Size in Ensemble Size Judgments in Virtual Reality

Aspelund, Katrín Fjóla

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Data Visualization Choices Affect Pattern Detection in 2x2 Graphs

Matthews, Nestor

Perceptual Organization: Ensembles

Visual Strategies for Trend Detection: Comparing the Effectiveness of Single-Hue and Multi-Hue Color Palettes Across Contexts

Warden, Amelia C.

Scene Perception: Ensemble

Set size and encoding time influences individual object and ensemble perception in naturalistic scenes

Tena Garcia, Yanina

Scene Perception: Ensemble

Ensemble Perception and LOC: a functional MRI Study

Khayat, Noam

Scene Perception: Ensemble

Hidden Markov models reveal attractive and repulsive perceptual modes during an ensemble judgment task

Wolters, Katrina A.

Scene Perception: Ensemble

Spatial weighting of orientation ensembles is shifted towards highly correlated regions

Bailey, Richard

Scene Perception: Ensemble

Extraction of Average Temperature From Visual Scene Ensembles Without High Spatial Frequencies

Tharmaratnam, Vignash

Scene Perception: Ensemble

Asymmetric Variance In Ensemble Orientations Modulates Serial Dependence

Schmit, Theo

Scene Perception: Ensemble