Friday Afternoon Posters, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Session: Friday, May 16, 2025, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Banyan Breezeway and Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author



Concurrent selection of internal search goals and external visual targets during visual working-memory guided search

Liu, Baiwei

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Predictive templates guide visual search by prompting the generation of target features in visual working memory.

Bartlett, Jennifer

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Repeated search can make search slower and less efficient: A replication and extension.

Varakin, Donald (Alex)

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Popout and object re-identification

Caulfield, Avery

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Attentional Guidance From Negative Templates in Visual Working Memory is Implemented Indirectly via Spatial Recoding

Prakash, Aditya

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Searching between working-memory versus visual arrays

Wei, Dengxinyi

Visual Search: Memory

Banyan Breezeway

Impact of Task-Irrelevant Heterogeneity on Visual Search Efficiency and Attentional Capture

Chang, Myo-Hee

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Trial-By-Trial Feature-Based Suppression is Retroactive and Slow

Becker, Mark W.

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Learned target-distractor similarity changes the precision of the target template and visual search behaviors

Halpern, Catherine

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Parallel Sequential Rejection in Conjunction Search: Insights from Eye-Tracking on Distractor Processing Dynamics

Cui, Andrea Yaoyun

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Using the MATCH toolbox to examine good-enough guidance for real-world objects

Goetz, Jessica N.

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Impact of Global and Local Clutter on Visual Search Efficiency and Attentional Guidance

Velazquez, Enilda

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

The (sometimes slow and sometimes fast) time course of information acquisition during visual search

Wu, Patrick

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Bending the Template: Evidence for Relational Guidance in Visual Foraging

Tünnermann, Jan

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Exploring the Impact of Target-Distractor Featural Contrast on Feature Prioritization in Efficient Visual Search.

Yu, Jun-Ming

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Investigating the contribution of unpredictable target features to attentional guidance

Xu, Zoe (Jing)

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Exploring Implicit Category Representations Using Target-Related Clutter

Zhou, Elizabeth Y.

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Overt Attentional Suppression of Highly Salient Onsets

Brar, Esha

Visual Search: Features, objects

Banyan Breezeway

Reducing the Sampling Dependency Between Visual Numerosity Estimates Improves Aggregated Estimation Accuracy

Azarov, Daniil

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Pre-stimulus shape predictions fluctuate at alpha rhythms and bias subsequent perception

Hetenyi, Dorottya

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

White matter stimulation with single electrical pulses modulates neuronal activity in visual cortex

Huang, Harvey

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Multiple excitatory cell types in primary and secondary visual cortex are recruited during accumulation-of-evidence decisions

Wilkins, Lillian

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Improving health data visualizations: effects of color and summary information on decision making

Busciglio, Angelica S.

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Visual cues of infection risk influence impulsivity and risk preference

Liang, Guangsheng

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Sensory integration strategies exhibit distinct state-dependent dynamics

Ye, Letizia

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Tracking the Time Course of Global and Local Processing

Shofner, Steven

Decision Making: Perception

Banyan Breezeway

Exploring Human Navigational Strategies in a Dynamic VR Social Wayfinding Task

Suchojad, Jakub

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Information-based versus model-based accounts of gaze behavior during steering

Fajen, Brett

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Recalibrating to changes in action capabilities while steering through multiple waypoints

Jansen, AJ

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

The role of spatial knowledge in guiding high-speed steering

Roessling, Grace

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Visuomotor coordination during walking in a complex natural environment

Shields, Stephanie M

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Visual Control of Deceleration: Athlete Adaptation in High-Demand Target Interception Tasks

Willoughby, Dominic

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

The cortical navigation network is organized into distributed functional gradients

Zhang, Tianjiao

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Cerebral visual impairment is associated with altered gaze dynamics and conservative walking strategies to safely navigate dense, dynamic spaces in virtual reality

Doyon, Jonathan K.

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Gaze-contingent visual occlusions bias steering behavior: Implications for vision loss

Giguere, Arianna P.

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Visual model of locomotion reproduces lanes and stripes in crossing human crowds

Veprek, Kyra

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Gaze in Dynamic Natural Environments

Oh, Youjin

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Hunting at the limit: sensorimotor integration of visual direction variables guides head and body movements during vigorous target pursuit in mice

Pollak, Daniel

Action: Navigation and locomotion

Banyan Breezeway

Slower Reading Speed in Migraine: Effects of Discomfort?

Haigh, Sarah M

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Probing flexible adaptation of internal physics models in humans

Aldegheri, Giacomo

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

The effects of action and stimulus visibility in early visual cortex

van Kemenade, Bianca M

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Effects of Virtual Reality Use in Children 10- to 12-Years-Old

Clark, Ashley M.

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Novel motor skills recruit visuomotor abstractions

McDougle, Samuel

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Continuous psychophysics differentiates visual and motor performance across motor domains

Pisu, Veronica

Action: Miscellaneous

Banyan Breezeway

Limited Scope of the Functional Field of View in Cerebral Visual Impairment

Manley, Claire

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Basic Characteristics of Inattentional Blindness

Rensink, Ronald A.

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Change Blindness: The Impact of Motion and Perceptual Load

Pitman, Rachel

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Alpha tACS over Right Dorsolateral PFC and Its Impact on Attentional Blink

Varastegan, Sahereh

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Lapses of sustained attention occur when goals compete

Chidharom, Matthieu

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Orienting of internal attention between short- and long-term memory

Narhi-Martinez, William

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

The time course of an error: Benefits of examining pre-error speeding and post-error slowing simultaneously

Malykke, Sarah B.

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Face Perception is Resistant to Redundancy Masking

Hauser, Lillian

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Catching the wandering mind with real-time triggers

Shelat, Shivang

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Target Probability, Response Demands, and the Vigilance Decrement

Skinner, Henri Etel

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Investigating the impact of stress on overt attention during an eyewitness event

Kortenhoeven, Abigail

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Maybe You Can Have It Both Ways: No Stability-Flexibility “Tradeoff” With Item-Specific Control

Almasi, Rebeka

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Stimulus-driven and goal-directed orienting and encoding into memory across space and time

Chak, Carly

Attention: Inattention, load

Banyan Breezeway

Are there qualitative individual differences in spatial attention?

Luzardo, Felipe

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Single Subject Performance from Eye Metrics

Torres, Alexis

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Examining the relationship between individual differences in visual sensitivity and distribution of covert attention around the visual field

Haseeb, Zainab

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Preserved exogenous attention in the myopic parafovea

steinfeld, Katia

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway

Numeracy and Navigation: Assessing Mathematical Dispositions through Eye Tracking

Lewis, Joanna

Attention: Individual differences

Banyan Breezeway