Motion: Local, higher-order, in-depth
Poster Session: Sunday, May 18, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Pavilion
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Investigating Non-Rigid Motion Perception with Multisensory Inputs: A Pilot Study |
Barron, Danica |
Conway, Erin | |
Global stimulus configuration modulates BOLD responses to visual motion in human V1 and MT |
Ezzo, Rania |
Seeing the Opposite Direction: A Sex Difference in Global Motion Perception |
Lei, Quan |
Studying Motion Perception in the Real World with Augmented Reality Headsets |
LoPrete, Anthony |
Myers, Caroline | |
Spatial suppression of motion and motion segmentation in peripheral vision |
Nandagopal, Pooja |
Does physical exercise or caffeine modulate dorsal and ventral stream processing? |
Roy, Priyanka |
Tang, Ning | |
The effects of automation level and takeover lead time on time-to-collision judgments |
Wilson, Evelyn |