Attention: Neural mechanisms
Poster Session: Sunday, May 18, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Ash, Ryan | |
Bullock, Tom | |
Corriveau, Anna | |
Guzhang, Yue | |
Katz, Leor N | |
Effects of Covert Attention on the Perceptual Encoding of Naturalistic Scenes |
Kiat, John E. |
lin, sheng | |
Representation of objects, attention, and load in human prefrontal cortex |
Qu, Shijie |
Task-Specific Neural Mechanisms of Attentional Control: Evidence from Cross-Task Decoding |
Sabo, Melinda |
Ongoing alpha oscillations bias decision-making in willed attention |
Xiong, Changhao |
Value Processing in the Frontal Eye Field of Non-Human Primates |
Yu, Xuefei |
Zajkowski, Wojciech | |
Zhang, Yanni |