Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author 

How we learn new faces: gaze patterns and individual differences in real-life encounters

Casteau, Soazig

Serial Dependence operates on categorical rather than stimulus representations: evidence from behavior and EEG

Costa, Pierre

An older bias or an elder bias?: Do memory biases for old faces reflect assimilation toward an old-age extreme or toward an old-age category center?

Dunin, Didi

Holistic Processing in Occipital and Fusiform Cortical Complexes Related to Radiological Expertise

Guan, Haowen

Constructing the Cross-race Triad Identity Matching (CRTIM) test

Jeckeln, Geraldine

Modulation of face processing by motor development: Infants can discriminate faces in a wider range of picture-plane rotations before rolling over

Kobayashi, Megumi

Face recognition and the blur paradox: Improved accuracy with distance

Long, Caitlin

Eliminating individual face shape variability idiosyncratic to specific races reduces the other-race recognition disadvantage, but not the other-race categorization advantage

Martin, Emily

Have we met before? Face learning over multiple interactions

Nevard, Alice

Beauty is in the Eye(brow) of the beholder: Perceived attractiveness related to eyebrows

Peissig, Jessie

Training Horizontal Bias to Improve Face Identification in Older Adults

Sekuler, Allison B.