Visual Search: Features, objects
Poster Session: Friday, May 16, 2025, 3:00 – 5:00 pm, Banyan Breezeway
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Trial-By-Trial Feature-Based Suppression is Retroactive and Slow |
Becker, Mark W. |
Brar, Esha | |
Impact of Task-Irrelevant Heterogeneity on Visual Search Efficiency and Attentional Capture |
Chang, Myo-Hee |
Cui, Andrea Yaoyun | |
Using the MATCH toolbox to examine good-enough guidance for real-world objects |
Goetz, Jessica N. |
Halpern, Catherine | |
Bending the Template: Evidence for Relational Guidance in Visual Foraging |
Tünnermann, Jan |
Impact of Global and Local Clutter on Visual Search Efficiency and Attentional Guidance |
Velazquez, Enilda |
The (sometimes slow and sometimes fast) time course of information acquisition during visual search |
Wu, Patrick |
Investigating the contribution of unpredictable target features to attentional guidance |
Xu, Zoe (Jing) |
Yu, Jun-Ming | |
Exploring Implicit Category Representations Using Target-Related Clutter |
Zhou, Elizabeth Y. |