Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes
Poster Session: Monday, May 19, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Banyan Breezeway
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Contrast-negation increases face pareidolia in natural images |
Balas, Benjamin |
Investigating the Role of Key Facial Features for Face Detection |
Côté, Laurianne |
Chen, Cheng Hsuan | |
Cheung, Olivia S. | |
A comparison of image naturalness perception between humans and image generative models |
Fukiage, Taiki |
Li, Elizabeth (Shuxuan) | |
Malak, Cansu | |
Palmer, Colin | |
Investigating the Independence of Face Shape and Motion Through Reverse Correlation |
Tordjman, Raphael |
Reverse correlation images and real faces: Insights from deep learning-based face recognition |
Ueda, Yoshiyuki |
Gradual inversion costs as a function of rotation for face recognition in a flicker paradigm |
Williams, Lauren |
Rethinking Configurational and Feature-Based Processing in Visual Recognition |
Zeng, Yuxuan |
Decomposing the perceptual and conceptual bias of 3D face memory in individual participants |
Zhu, Zigui |