Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Poster Session: Monday, May 19, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Title

First Author 

Contrast-negation increases face pareidolia in natural images

Balas, Benjamin

Investigating the Role of Key Facial Features for Face Detection

Côté, Laurianne

Is Facial Attractiveness Judgment Holistic?

Chen, Cheng Hsuan

Integrative processing of invariant and changeable facial information: Effects of race, gender, and expression on face identification

Cheung, Olivia S.

A comparison of image naturalness perception between humans and image generative models

Fukiage, Taiki

Using six behavioral tests to investigate the left visual field advantage (or lack thereof) in face perception

Li, Elizabeth (Shuxuan)

Humans versus machines: Distinguishing Korean, Chinese, and Japanese faces via internal and external features

Malak, Cansu

Eye dominance and the perception of eye contact

Palmer, Colin

Investigating the Independence of Face Shape and Motion Through Reverse Correlation

Tordjman, Raphael

Reverse correlation images and real faces: Insights from deep learning-based face recognition

Ueda, Yoshiyuki

Gradual inversion costs as a function of rotation for face recognition in a flicker paradigm

Williams, Lauren

Rethinking Configurational and Feature-Based Processing in Visual Recognition

Zeng, Yuxuan

Decomposing the perceptual and conceptual bias of 3D face memory in individual participants

Zhu, Zigui