Monday Morning Posters, Pavilion

Poster Session: Monday, May 19, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion

Poster Title

First Author 


Differential neural activation for shape- and location-based attention

Agarwal, Ishita

Attention: Features, objects

Dissecting sparse circuits to high-level visual categories in deep neural networks

Andrade, Jeffery

Object Recognition: Categories

A data-driven analysis of the perceptual and neural responses to natural objects reveals organising principles of human visual cognition

Andrews, Tim

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Intra- and inter-hemispheric computations vary by task demand and visual field

Avni, Inbar

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Food-Specific Areas in Primate Inferotemporal Cortex

Bao, Pinglei

Object Recognition: Categories

Feature- versus object-based attentional templates during feature, conjunction, and object search

Bari, Rai Samar Ghulam

Attention: Features, objects

Similarities and differences between characteristics of feedforward convolutional neural network models and human visual perceptual learning

Barnes-Diana, Tyler

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

The effect of wavelength on behavioral responses to scattered light

Buabeng, Yaw

Color, Light and Materials: Optics, models

How sharp is the (average) retinal image?

Burlingham, Charlie S.

Color, Light and Materials: Optics, models

Role of Perceived Object Structure on a Spatial Perception Illusion

Castillo Rodriguez, Fernando

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

Lateralization of crowding with stereo-defined 3D letters: two pathways for 3D shape perception

Cate, Anthony

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

The role of mid-level visual processes in the word identification bottleneck

Catington, Mary

Attention: Features, objects

Gestalt modulation of surround suppression in macaque V1

Chen, Cai-Xia

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Performance decreases for untrained orientation observed in dominant computational models but not humans are mitigated by divisive normalization in encoding processes of visual perceptual learning

Cheng, Yu-Ang

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

Can mindfulness meditation improve learning abilities? A cross-sectional study

Chopin, Adrien

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

Position Specificity of Learning Using Complex Visual Stimuli

Cochrane, Jamie G.E

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

Extensive experience remodels neural task circuitry to increase automaticity of categorization

Cox, Patrick H.

Object Recognition: Categories

The effect of internal attentional shifts on visual feature errors

Cunningham, Caitlin V.

Attention: Features, objects

A bedside assessment of the brain visual function of patients with disorders of consciousness—based on fast periodic visual stimulation oddball paradigm and EEG

Deng, Zhiqing

Object Recognition: Categories

Color coding for multi-channel color perception from three photodetector types with wide overlapping spectral sensitivity bands

Diaconu, Vasile

Color, Light and Materials: Optics, models

Laminar organization of shadow-discounted lightness signals in area V4

Didehvar, Fatemeh

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness and brightness

Visual stimuli amplifies the effect of optogenetic stimulation in the inferotemporal cortex in monkeys

Dinh, Alvin

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Dynamic Object Processing in Macaque IT Cortex: Temporal Dynamics and Model Limitations

Dunnhofer, Matteo

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Using a Cross-Species Common Space Approach to Relate Macaque and Human Retinotopic Cortex

Duyck, Marianne

Object Recognition: Categories

The Effect of Feature Changes on Multiple Object Tracking

Eng, Rachel

Attention: Features, objects

The Influence of Local and Global Temporal Regularities on Visual Detection

Gao, Lizzie

Attention: Temporal

Feature Integration Theory revisited: attention is not needed to bind stimulus features, but prevents them from falling apart.

Gayet, Surya

Attention: Features, objects

The equiluminant remote controls illusion

Gokan, Alexander M

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness and brightness

Macaque spatiotemporal neural dynamics during perception of object-object occlusion images

Guo, Wenxuan

Object Recognition: Categories

Spatial attention to multiple stimuli does not reduce evoked SSVEP power relative to focal attention

Harrison, Amelia H.

Attention: Features, objects

Cortical representations supporting coarse and fine object categorization

Henderson, Margaret M

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

The nature of temporal crowding - the role of forward and backward interference.

Hochmitz, Ilanit

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Selective attention warps the representation of space throughout cortical visual networks

Holmberg, Jen D.

Attention: Features, objects

Efficient Characterization of Human Color Discrimination Thresholds Using Adaptive Sampling and a Wishart Process Model

Hong, Fangfang

Color, Light and Materials: Optics, models

Effects of Element Fill on Perceived Similarity of Enlarged Textures

Howard, Zoe

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

Crowded Dynamic Fixation for Online Psychophysics

Hu, Fengping

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Extreme Value Theory for Modeling Category Decision Boundaries in Visual Recognition

Huang, Jin

Object Recognition: Categories

Effect of matched relative contrast on ambiguous figure-ground and the watercolor illusion

Hyman, Hannah

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness and brightness

Perceptual Learning in Dermatology: The Impact of Adaptive Comparisons In Accelerating Skin Lesion Differentiation

Jacoby, Victoria

Object Recognition: Categories

Electroencephalogram decoding of the attentional selection and tracking of featureless objects

Jones, Henry

Attention: Features, objects

The time course of foveal and peripheral information integration during dynamic gaze-cueing

Karmakar, Srijita

Attention: Temporal

Testing a model of achromatic color appearance matching functions: Varying the background

Kavcar, Osman

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness and brightness

Learning Same-Different Relations of Visual Properties by Humans and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Kellman, Philip

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

Symmetry Detection and Figure-Ground Segmentation in Perceptual Organization of Rich Images

Koßmann, Lisa

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

Role of Sleep in Generalization and Specificity of Visual Perceptual Learning

LaBonte-Clark, Theodore

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

Vision and Semantics: Insights into Rock Category Learning Among Geology Undergraduates

Lawrance, Anna K.

Object Recognition: Categories

Distinct Connectivity Fingerprints Reveal Functional Specialization in the Ventral Visual Stream

Liao, Isaac

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Relative luminance and the watercolor illusion impact figure-ground in a probed region paradigm

Lumpkin, Tanner L.

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness and brightness

PLFEST; feasibility data for an open science tool for reliable perceptual learning research

Maniglia, Marcello

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

Inversion Effect In Recognizing Objects From Dynamic Cues

Maqsood, Shifa

Object Recognition: Categories

Emotional gaze increases target temporal processing

Mayrand, Florence

Attention: Temporal

Attention in flux: object-based attention is flexible to both low- and high-level changes in real-world objects

McEvoy, Kelly

Attention: Features, objects

Preparatory attention to visual features spreads globally

Menceloglu, Melisa

Attention: Features, objects

Voluntary temporal attention improves perception even in the absence of temporal competition

Motzer, Jennifer

Attention: Temporal

Spatiotemporal correlation structure in orientation repulsion

Nakamura, Tomoya

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

Variations in human optics explain idiosyncratic patterns in the red-green spatial contrast sensitivity function

Oh, Semin

Color, Light and Materials: Optics, models

Incidental learning about relevant and irrelevant feature values enhances early stages of attentional selection

Ortego, Kevin

Attention: Features, objects

Crowding does not improve precision

Ozkirli, Ayberk

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Comparing Deep Neural Network Architectures as Models of Human Lightness and Illusion Perception.

Patel, Jaykishan

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness and brightness

Proactive enhancement of ‘to-be-attended’ and ‘to-be-ignored’ features during cued visual search in older and younger adults

Patumhirunruksa, Punyawish

Attention: Features, objects

Perceptual deficits in psychosis: The role of higher level visual areas and prior knowledge

Pham, Anh

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Crowding predicts reading speed and comfort across fonts and participants

Pombo, Maria

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

An Electrophysiological Investigation of Rhythmic Environmental Sampling in a Cued Temporal Attention Paradigm

Powell, Travis

Attention: Temporal

Return to isotropy: Crowding zones become less anisotropic in far periphery

Rehor, Evalie C.

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Naturalistic Stimulation Elicits Category-Selective Neural Responses

Ren, Xueying

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Implicit feature-based suppression is effective and robust, even in the face of feature-based gain, while explicit feature-based suppression is ineffective and weak

Rodriguez, Andrew

Attention: Features, objects

Chemogenetic investigation of image recognition in Rhesus monkeys

Rodriguez, Phelix

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Enhanced protocol for isolating high-level visual responses using SSVEP

Rozman, Ana

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Do people see spatio-temporally predictable visual inputs sooner, and does this align with neural pre-play findings?

Saurels, Blake

Attention: Temporal

Capturing appearance reveals illusory letters in visual crowding

Sayim, Bilge

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Spatiotemporal Context Shapes Center-Surround Dynamics

Schwetlick, Lisa

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Solving a maze with tunnel vision

Semizer, Yelda

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Topological structure and the creation of visual complexity

Shah, Ashna

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

S-Cone Increment and Decrement Perceptual Scales are Nearly Linear, but S-Cone Noise Grows with Contrast: Results from MLDS and Pedestal Discrimination

Shi, Yangyi

Color, Light and Materials: Optics, models

Network Architecture of Object Recognition: Investigating Integration Between Dorsal and Ventral Visual Pathways

Simmons, Claire

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Competition or cooperation in word and face processing? A cross-sectional study

Starrfelt, Randi

Object Recognition: Categories

Effect of optical aberration on hue and luminance dependency of color assimilation

Tsuji, Natsumi

Color, Light and Materials: Lightness and brightness

Evidence for a shape-similarity gain model for object-based attention

Valentine, Brendan

Attention: Features, objects

Training on a visual crowding task in eccentric visual locations with varying levels of sustained attention performance

von Perponcher, Elena

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

Children’s reading ability is better predicted by foveal crowding than acuity

Waugh, Sarah J

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Linear extrapolation does not explain the mislocalization of a triangle's occluded vertex

White, Tess

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

A Wishart Process model combined with adaptive sampling for efficiently capturing discrimination thresholds in high-dimensional stimulus spaces

Williams, Alex

Color, Light and Materials: Optics, models

Left/Right Asymmetries in Visual Crowding

Wiseman, Valorie

Spatial Vision: Crowding and eccentricity

Is temporal integration a unitary process?

Wyllie, Abi

Attention: Temporal

The coding of spiky objects in human occipitotemporal and posterior parietal cortices

Xu, Yaoda

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Single pulse electrical stimulation reveals stronger inputs than outputs in dorsal areas

Yanez-Ramos, Maria Guadalupe

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

Hebbian plasticity in a recurrent network model explains enhanced wakeful consolidation via repetitive sensory stimulation

Yang, Xin-Yue

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning

Bound by sight, shared in the mind: the temporal emergence of object co-occurrence representations

Yeh, Lu-Chun

Object Recognition: Neural mechanisms

‘Visual rhythms’ of nature: The featural and temporal properties that prime natural scene perception

Young, Tasha

Perceptual Organization: Parts, wholes, shapes and objects

Predicting pathologist attention during cancer-image readings

Zelinsky, Gregory

Attention: Temporal

Differential Network Metrics as Predictors of Specificity and Transfer in Perceptual Learning

Zhong, Lin

Plasticity and Learning: Perceptual learning