Face and Body Perception: Experience, learning, expertise

Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion

Poster Title 

First Author

An older bias or an elder bias?: Do memory biases for old faces reflect assimilation toward an old-age extreme or toward an old-age category center?

Dunin, Didi

Beauty is in the Eye(brow) of the beholder: Perceived attractiveness related to eyebrows

Peissig, Jessie

Constructing the Cross-race Triad Identity Matching (CRTIM) test

Jeckeln, Geraldine

Eliminating individual face shape variability idiosyncratic to specific races reduces the other-race recognition disadvantage, but not the other-race categorization advantage

Martin, Emily

Face recognition and the blur paradox: Improved accuracy with distance

Long, Caitlin

Have we met before? Face learning over multiple interactions

Nevard, Alice

Holistic Processing in Occipital and Fusiform Cortical Complexes Related to Radiological Expertise

Guan, Haowen

How we learn new faces: gaze patterns and individual differences in real-life encounters

Casteau, Soazig

Modulation of face processing by motor development: Infants can discriminate faces in a wider range of picture-plane rotations before rolling over

Kobayashi, Megumi

Serial Dependence operates on categorical rather than stimulus representations: evidence from behavior and EEG

Costa, Pierre

Training Horizontal Bias to Improve Face Identification in Older Adults

Sekuler, Allison B.