Attention: Divided, tracking
Poster Session: Saturday, May 17, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Pavilion
Schedule of Events | Search Abstracts | Symposia | Talk Sessions | Poster Sessions
Attention to shape or location enhances spatial discrimination in ventral areas: A 1-back fMRI study |
Lee, Sung-Mu |
Chen, Huiqin | |
Exploring attentional repulsion for faces: targets shift away from similar distractors during search |
Fang, Yifan |
Terry, Mallory E. | |
Functional contribution of the superior parietal lobule to vision |
Pisella, Laure |
Magnitude of target-distractor correlation during RSVP influences target perception |
Maslowski, Michele |
Zheng, Guiping | |
Pressure in the Spotlight: How Monitoring and Outcome Pressures Impact Time-Sharing Performance |
Oksama, Lauri |
Spatial Distribution of Visual Attention in Children and Teens |
Canto-Pereira, Valeria Reis do |
The Impact of Attentional Fluctuations on Performance in an Image Flanker Task |
Nisenbaum, Avalon |