Eye Movements: Neural mechanisms
Poster Session: Sunday, May 18, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Pavilion
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Decoding Foveal Feedback of Saccade Targets from Early Visual Cortex |
Kämmer, Luca |
Keane, Brian | |
Explainable AI-aided examination of saccade preparation in human EEG signals |
Izadkhah, Mojan |
Alreja, Arish | |
Neural encoding of fixation location and order of gaze paths |
Meghanathan, Radha Nila |
Object-based saccadic signals revealed in superior colliculus local field potentials |
Conroy, Christopher |
Oculomotor contribution to synchronization of cortical activity |
Benedetto, Alessandro |
Tracing perisaccadic changes in location perception in extrastriate and prefrontal responses |
Weng, Geyu |
Bedini, Marco |