Visual Search: Models, strategy, sequential effects, context

Poster Session: Sunday, May 18, 2025, 2:45 – 6:45 pm, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Title 

First Author

A salient, expected target in an unexpected setting can produce inattentional blindness

Ernst, Daniel

Characterizing the Independent and Joint Impacts of Previous Category Evidence and Visual and Semantic Similarity on Visual Attention

Grady, Justin

Contextual Cueing in Complex Stimuli: Attentional Guidance and Response Facilitation Benefits

Tomshe, David A.

Do infrequent task-irrelevant visual cues cause distraction?

Jankovic, Nadja

Explicit strategy instructions boost visual search optimality, but the benefits are short-lived

Siesel, Mackenzie J.

Improved target detection (fewer LBFTS errors) in the repeated displays contributes to Contextual Cueing

Choi, Jeunghwan

Negative Attentional Templates Depend on Top-down Control, not Selection History

Bennett, Haley

Parallel Accumulators in LIP Drive Behavioral Choices in Visual Search: Evidence from Single-Neuron Recordings

Ozana, Aviad

Parallel Accumulators in LIP Drive Reaction Times in Visual Search: Evidence from Single-Neuron Recordings

Alkan, Yelda

Patches half-empty: How to forage when some patches contain only distractors

Hong, Injae

To choose or not to choose: Voluntary task switching without cost in visual search

Mitra, Ava

Two separate category learning systems govern categorical search

Schmidt, Joseph

What makes a search effortful? Evidence from a search discounting paradigm

Zhang, Tianyu