Monday Morning Posters, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Session: Monday, May 19, 2025, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, Banyan Breezeway

Poster Title 

First Author


A comparison of image naturalness perception between humans and image generative models

Fukiage, Taiki

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Adaptation of attentional control: The impact of distractor prevalence on distractor location learning

Söyük, Mustafa Zeyd

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Age-Invariant Benefits of Predictions in Dynamic Visual Search with Varying Distraction Loads

Shalev, Nir

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

An event sequence to remember: Abstract temporal structure influences memorability

Verosky, Niels

Visual Memory: Memorability

Anticipating attentional guidance enhances reliance on long-term memory

Yücel, Duygu

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Are images truly intrinsically memorable? Memorability results are explained by between-image similarity structure, not features of individual images

Simpson, Dyllan

Visual Memory: Memorability

Behavioral performance and task-evoked pupillary response indices of errors during visual search

Guillory, Sylvia

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Challenging dual-coding theory: Picture superiority is preserved in aphantasia

Yan, Muhan

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Characterizing the visual features encoded in feedback-related alpha rhythms during natural visual imagery

Stecher, Rico

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Comparing Object Localization Deficits in Desktop and Immersive Virtual Reality Search Tasks in Individuals with Cerebral Visual Impairment

Heynen, Madeleine

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Contrast-negation increases face pareidolia in natural images

Balas, Benjamin

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Decoding hierarchical visual feature representations in mental imagery of aphantasics

Horikawa, Tomoyasu

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Decomposing the perceptual and conceptual bias of 3D face memory in individual participants

Zhu, Zigui

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Decreased vividness of visual mental imagery under combined visuospatial rotation and working memory demands in a novel eye-tracking task

Razzak, Emaad

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Do you Really Need that Cup? Effect of Caffeine on Visual Attention and Learning

Youn, Sojung

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Early visual processing influences memorability: a case study from nature

De Filippi, Federico

Visual Memory: Memorability

Error-prone states in visual search

Wolfe, Jeremy

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Eye dominance and the perception of eye contact

Palmer, Colin

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Gradual inversion costs as a function of rotation for face recognition in a flicker paradigm

Williams, Lauren

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

How consistent are you? Idiosyncratic polar angle biases in visual search for different stimuli.

Tennyson, Cailey

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Humans versus machines: Distinguishing Korean, Chinese, and Japanese faces via internal and external features

Malak, Cansu

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Image Memorability Facilitates Visual Working Memory Formation: Electrophysiological Evidence from Contralateral Delay Activity

Ye, Chaoxiong

Visual Memory: Memorability

Increased physical effort reduces miss errors in visual search

Moher, Jeff

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Integrative processing of invariant and changeable facial information: Effects of race, gender, and expression on face identification

Cheung, Olivia S.

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Investigating the Independence of Face Shape and Motion Through Reverse Correlation

Tordjman, Raphael

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Investigating the Role of Key Facial Features for Face Detection

Côté, Laurianne

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Is Facial Attractiveness Judgment Holistic?

Chen, Cheng Hsuan

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

It's All About Semantics: How Semantic Categories Shape Memory Partitioning in Hybrid Visual Search

Gronau, Nurit

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Memorability predicts widespread virality on social media

Peng, Shikang

Visual Memory: Memorability

Memorable by Design: The Intrinsic Properties of Effective Symbols

Roberts, Brady R.T.

Visual Memory: Memorability

Mental imagery predicts performance on medial parietal related cognition

Aminoff, Elissa

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Modeling subjective and objective face memorability in a common latent space

Rim, Nakwon

Visual Memory: Memorability

Probing visual imagery implicitly: Pupil responses to predicted light and dark stimuli

Li, Xiaonan

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Pupillary Signatures of Working Memory Content are Flexible to Visual vs. Semantic Task Demands

Dong, Yueying

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Rethinking Configurational and Feature-Based Processing in Visual Recognition

Zeng, Yuxuan

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Reverse correlation images and real faces: Insights from deep learning-based face recognition

Ueda, Yoshiyuki

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Reverse Spatiotemporal Hierarchy during Cross-modal Memory Retrieval and Imagery

Hu, Yu

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Searching in Summary: Mean and range ensemble statistics guide attention in visual search tasks

Knox, Kristina

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Semantic memories: Image memorability transfers to scene descriptions

Kollenda, Diana

Visual Memory: Memorability

The effect of prevalence in a continuous monitoring task with dynamic scenes and target events

Paavola, Michael L.

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

The Effect of Visual and Verbal Cueing on Semantic Bias Activation and Target Selection

Zafarmand, Mahsa

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

The Locus for Eye Movements and Attention in Macular Degeneration

Freedman, Andrew

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

The Propagation of Memorability in Binding Memory

Cheng, Jingyao

Visual Memory: Memorability

Using six behavioral tests to investigate the left visual field advantage (or lack thereof) in face perception

Li, Elizabeth (Shuxuan)

Face and Body Perception: Parts and wholes

Visual memory capacity is susceptible to multiple influences during more naturalistic encoding

Gilaie-Dotan, Sharon

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term

Visual Search and ASD: Basic vs. Superordinate Category Search

Abassi Abu Rukab, Safaa

Visual Search: Attention, clinical

Wide Learning: Building Semantic Networks and Differentiating Between Semantic and Visual Representations in Long-Term Memory

Schems Maimon, Yael

Visual Memory: Imagery, long-term