Elsevier/VSS Young Investigator Award

The Elsevier/VSS Young Investigator Award, sponsored by Vision Research, is given to an early-career vision scientist who has made outstanding contributions to the field. The nature of this work can be fundamental, clinical, or applied. The award selection committee gives highest weight to the significance, originality and potential long-range impact of the work. The selection committee may also take into account the nominee’s previous participation in VSS conferences or activities, and substantial obstacles that the nominee may have overcome in their careers.   The awardee is asked to give a brief presentation of her/his work and is required to write an article to be published in Vision Research.

Nomination Process

Nominations may be made by any current regular member or postdoctoral member of the Vision Sciences Society, as well as those who hold emeritus status. A nominee must be an active VSS member, attending at least three of the last five VSS meetings. Nominees may have no more than 10 years of active research experience since earning their terminal degree, allowing for the exclusion of times that typically “stop the clock” in academic tenure track positions. For the upcoming 2025 award, if there was no break in active research/teaching, the degree must have been awarded in or after 2015. If still eligible, nominees from previous years can be re-nominated.

The nomination must include:

  1. A nomination letter, outlining in detail the scientific contributions of the nominee, and discussing clear indicators of exceptional impact on the field of vision science. The nomination letter can be co-signed.
  2. If life circumstances (e.g., leaves of absence) would extend the period of eligibility for the award, a brief statement should be included (even if the candidate is not in the final year of eligibility).
  3. A curriculum vita including an up-to-date publication list.
  4. One letter of support from regular members, postdoctoral members or those who hold emeritus status.

Nominations should be submitted by email to Shauney Wilson.

Nominations are reviewed by an Award Committee consisting of a representative of the VSS Board of Directors and five established scientists selected from VSS membership. Members of the Award Committee and of the VSS Board of Directors cannot serve as nominators or provide letters of support.


Nominations Open: December 12, 2024
Nominations Close: February 10, 2025
Recipient Announced: March 27, 2025