VSS is pleased to announce that the 21st Annual Visual Demos Evening at VSS will be Monday, May 19, 2025, at the TradeWinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach. Demo Night is an informal celebration of the experiential phenomena of vision science, with a diverse offering of visual demos.
The Demo Night committee is seeking particularly dramatic, provocative, educational, and entertaining demonstrations of visual phenomena, both new and old. We encourage submissions of large-scale demonstrations that transcend the bounds of the tabletop, such as immersive experiences, and also ones that are “physical” and do not rely on computer graphics.
VSS and the TradeWinds Island Resorts can provide tables, electrical outlets, and some wall space and/or screens for projections and poster boards upon request. The organizers will help coordinate special needs (e.g., theatrical lighting) on a case by case basis. Each presenter will be responsible for bringing and setting up any other necessary equipment for their own demos, including data projectors and other displays.
This year’s Demo Night will be organized and curated by Daw-An Wu, Cal-Tech; Anna Kosovicheva, University of Toronto Mississauga; Peter Kohler, York University; and Gideon Caplovitz, University of Nevada, Reno.
Submission Deadline
Submissions Accepted: February 18, 2025
Submissions Close: March 13, 2025