Sunday, May 19, 2024, 7:15 – 9:15 pm, Banyan/Citrus
Organizers: Ouxun Jiang, Northwestern University; Ghulam Jilani Quadri, University of Oklahoma; Clementine Zimnicki, University of Wisconsin Madison; Racquel Fygenson, Northeastern University

Interdisciplinary work across vision science and data visualization has provided a new lens to advance our understanding of the capabilities and mechanisms of the visual system while simultaneously improving the ways we visualize data. Vision scientists can better understand human perception by studying how people interact with visualized data. Vision science topics, including visual search, ensemble coding, multiple object tracking, color and shape perception, pattern recognition, and saliency, map directly to challenges encountered in visualization research.
VISxVISION is an initiative to encourage communication and collaboration between researchers from the vision science and data visualization research communities. Building on the growing interest in this topic and the discussions inspired by our recent IEEE VIS Workshop in 2023 (featuring keynote speakers Drs. Bart Anderson, Steve Most, and Kim Curby, with attendance of over 30), as well as IEEE VIS Workshops in 2021 (featuring keynote speakers Drs. Keisuke Fukuda, Jiaying Zhao, and Todd Horowitz; with attendance of over 70) and 2019 (featuring keynote speakers Drs. Jeremy Wolfe, Timothy Brady, and Darko Odic; with attendance of over 80), our 2020 and 2019 VSS satellite events (attendance over 70), and our 2018 VSS symposium (attendance over 200), this workshop provides a continuing platform to bring together vision science and visualization researchers to share cutting-edge research at this interdisciplinary intersection. We also encourage researchers to share vision science projects that can be applied to topics in data visualization.
Modeled on last year’s success, this year’s workshop will consist of invited talks followed by a Q&A session and a 1-hour poster session.
A call for abstracts will solicit recent, relevant research at the intersection of vision science and visualization or collaborative/applied projects in either field (deadline: April 1). The top submissions will be selected for presentation as posters at the workshop (notification: April 15).
Please register for VisxVision.