Sunday, May 15, 2022, 7:30 – 9:00 pm EDT, Beachside Decks
Organizers: Diane Beck, University of Illinois; Mary Peterson, University of Arizona; Karen Schloss, University of Wisconsin-Madison

The pandemic has impacted all aspects of our life and will likely continue in some form for a while. These impacts have been particularly disruptive for women (e.g., Augustus, 2021). We will break into small, facilitator-led groups to discuss the ways in which the pandemic has impacted our work in the past and how it might continue to impact our work in the future, as well as discuss possible accommodations and solutions. What have others tried? What has worked? What has not? Participants will have the opportunity to choose affinity groups (e.g. graduate students, early career researchers, parents and caregivers, BIPOC researchers, LGBTQ2S researchers) ahead of time on our registration form. As part of our commitment to intersectionality, we have partnered with SPARK and Visibility to provide facilitators and affinity tables to discuss intersectionality issues.
FoVea is a group founded to advance the visibility, impact, and success of women in vision science ( We encourage vision scientists of all genders to participate in the workshops.